
Archive for the ‘Shadowlands’ Category

While walking to campus this morning, I had a surprising thought. Until Patch 10.2.7 comes out — which, from its name on the roadmap, sounds like it will be a bridge patch to War Within* — I am pretty much done with Dragonflight.

Last week, when I finally did the Patch 10.1 Blue Dragonflight storyline, I got all caught up on all of the major story content of Dragonflight thus far.

This week, after doing the Azerothian Archives Big Dig and world quests, I was able to purchase the last of the Mog items I wanted from that activity.

Major Mog collection goals? DONE.** Major story completion? DONE.

This is a kind of a strange feeling.

For the last several years — the years encompassed by Legion, Battle for Azeroth, and Shadowlands in WoW — I’ve had a long lag period in which I was working on content from each expansion well after the next expansion had come out. Being at the current expansion’s level cap definitely helped with getting through that lingering endgame content from the previous expansion. However, playing last expansion endgame catch-up also held me back from getting into the current expansion’s endgame content. Now, those years were also pretty crazy years outside of Azeroth between babies, drama at work, and COVID, so I was okay with being waaay behind the curve in Azeroth. With real life settling down, though, when Dragonflight launched, I made myself a soft goal of getting all the significant Dragonflight story content done before the next expansion came out. Until Patch 10.2.7, I’ve done it!

So, um, now what am I gonna do in Azeroth? I could level alts…? Play Classic Era Classic?

Or, you know, I could go do the brand new shiny thing that was just released, which will only be available for a limited time — conveniently, almost but not quite the amount of time until Patch 10.2.7*** if Blizzard sticks to the 8 weeks between updates schedule that they’ve said they want to continue for the rest of Dragonflight — and grind up all the Mog stuff I want from it.

Looked at that way, it seems very much like the Plunderstorm was deliberately designed and timed to address the longstanding end-of-expansion doldrums problem. And with the way the patch cadence and difficulty of getting things even for a relatively casual player like myself has been in this expansion, even I am finding myself with plenty of time and attention for the Plunderstorm+. Well played, Blizzard, well played.

* Kinda-sorta like the last patch of an FFXIV expansion?
** Kerisa is still trying to get the Crystalline Tender’s Chestpiece from the Emerald Dream weeklies, but that takes, like, an hour to do each reset day
*** Or maybe just Season 4, with Patch 10.2.7 another eight weeks after that?
+ Well, at least until Noblegarden, when I’ve got a handful of alts who will want to collect eggs for XP, and there will be a new holiday boss to farm for a pretty pastel recolor of the Leywoven Flying Carpet…

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Having read on Wowhead that there was a special treat for wielders of Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest at the end of the Patch 10.1 Blue Dragonflight questline, I decided that it was time for Kaelinda to get Dragonwrath. I’d joked about getting it during Legion — because Aluneth talks to you, and Dragonwrath talks to you, I should get Dragonwrath so that Tarecgosa and Aluneth could talk to each other in Kaelinda’s stave rack — but I didn’t quite feel up to farming Firelands for it… Now, though, was definitely the time.

Reading through the Dragonwrath questline guide on Wowhead, it quickly became apparent that the “Delegation” quest would be the most difficult stage of the whole adventure. The hard part, at Dragonflight level 70, would be not killing the bosses before I could pick up all the little ground clickies and do the things at specific points in the encounters.
The solution was fairly obvious. After clearing the trash in my regular gear, I switched to this outfit to do the boss fights:

I’d hit the boss with my fists to get the fight going, then after I’d completed the quest requirements, a few raw stats level 70 Frost Lances would finish off the boss.

With the Branch of Nordrassil in hand, I could put back on my regular gear and one-shot my way through the Firelands for the second long grind stage of the questline. When I got to the third long grind stage, I went BNL again and hit each boss with the Runestaff of Nordrassil to start the fight, then Ice Lanced it down. The first time I tried it, I was worried that I’d still killed the boss too fast, because I didn’t see the Smouldering debuff appear on the boss — the debuff only showed up after the boss was dead.
It probably took me about three months to complete the whole questline; from the dates on my screenshots, it was two months from when I finished the first long grind stage to when I obtained Dragonwrath.

After that, I was finally ready to do the Patch 10.1 Blue Dragonflight questline. It took me two play sessions to get through the regular part of the questline, then a third play session to do the special Tarecgosa’s Rest epilogue. It was every bit as much “the best dragonflight story in Dragonflight!” as I’d been told that it was!

Farewell, dear Tarecgosa — and Sindragosa — and Senegos. May Arbiter Pelagos direct your souls to an afterlife that is different from, and better than, any of the realms of the Shadowlands that we visited during Shadowlands.

I got myself the new Dragonflight Codex lore book as a birthday present. I am puzzled and disappointed that Tarecgosa isn’t mentioned in it at all — she’s not one of the significant Blues given individual profiles, and she’s not mentioned in the profiles of Kalecgos or Arygos and the description of their conflict over who would become the Blue Aspect after Malygos, either.
And now I have completed all of the major Dragonflight storylines so far, and I’m ready for new story on the horizon in Patches 10.2.6 and 10.2.7!

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When the questline to clean up the mess Sylvanas made of Undercity at the beginning of the Fourth War first became available in late Shadowlands, I did it with Kamalia because I’d been missing having her be my Main. I only needed to do it once to get the customization unlock, so I didn’t bother doing it again with anyone else.

With Patch 10.2.5 bringing a questline to reclaim Gilneas, I’ve been dithering about which alt I should do it with. Kamalia, because I did the Lordaeron questline with her and having her do Gilneas, too, would be a pleasing symmetry? Kaelinda, because she’s really my Main now? Kaelyla, because she’s Alliance and reclaiming Gilneas is an Alliance story? Well, even though experiencing it once has been enough for a lot of WoW lore lately, maybe I want to do this thing with all three of them for exactly those reasons.

So last night, in preparation for doing the reclaiming Gilneas questline next week, I ran both Kaelinda and Kaelyla through the reclaiming Lordaeron questline. It was just as silly as I remembered it having been… actually, even more silly. I don’t expect the reclaiming Gilneas questline to be any less silly.

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When I first saw Lady Moonberry in the Central Encampment at Amirdrassil, I was quite surprised. Flying down around the base of Amirdrassil, I found a place called “Winter’s Landing”. There I found folk from Ardenweald, most significantly, the trio of Night Fae Soulbinds.

Speaking to them with Kaelinda, who is still affiliated with the Venthyr —
Lady Moonberry (at Central Encampment) says: “This place is just like Ysera described. Beautiful, but strange. It’s magnificent!”
Niya says, “Oh, hello! It is good to see so many people working together to protect Amirdrassil.”
Dreamweaver says, “Greetings, mage. My people are here to help.”
Hunt-Captain Korayn says, “Greetings from the Hunt, mage. My queen has sent me to protect this tree.”

Speaking to them with Kaelyla, who is still affiliated with the Night Fae —
Lady Moonberry (at Central Encampment) says: “Kaelyla! It is so good to see you again! This place is just like Ysera described. Beautiful, but strange. It’s magnificent! But it could use perhaps an itty-bitty bit more fae influence, don’t you think?” Moonberry grins
Niya says, “It is so good to see you again, Kaelyla. I hope we can protect Amirdrassil. It is such a wonderful world tree already. I would hate to see any harm come to it before it has a chance to bloom.”
Dreamweaver says, “Hello Kaelyla! Your world is fascinating. And so green! I can see why Lady Ysera is so fond of this place. My people and I are here to help this tree bloom!”
Hunt-Captain Koryan says, “Kaelyla. My Queen’s influence can only extend so far here, but by her grace, we will defend this world tree.”

And then I remembered that the seed of Amirdrassil is the Sisters’ Tear, the combined work of Elune and the Winter Queen, the Sisters who personify the poles of the Great Cycle of Life and Death. So of course the Winter Queen would have a vested interest in making sure that Amirdrassil survives, and would send her people here to accomplish that task. And, of course, to bring Ysera back home to Ardenweald when it is done. Apparently there’s a cutscene about that that unlocks after one has defeated Fyrakk in the Amirdrassil raid? But I am trying not to spoil myself about these sorts of things too much.

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Alas, despite having put a polite reminder of the existence of the Grove Warden and recommendation that it be present in the 10.2 Emerald Dream zone into the Suggestion Box, when I took Kaelinda there last night, no magnificent magical moose were to be seen. :`(

I played through the second chapter of the Emerald Dream Campaign, explored the place to unlock regular flying in the Dragon Isles, collected all the 10.2 Dragonriding Glyphs, and grew a bouquet of Emerald Blooms. I was quite surprised — a bit startled, even — to see Lady Moonberry there. Perhaps she feels like she needs to be there to make sure that Ysera does come back to Ardenweald when her purpose for having returned to Azeroth and the Dream is fulfilled? Or is she there for some secret purpose of the Winter Queen — something going on behind the scenes with the Winter Queen and Elune and/or Eonar that we will eventually find out about in The Last Titan?

On the one hand, during the last couple of patches, it’s felt good to be doing the new things while they were new (and lots of other people were doing them, too). I’m excited to continue the Emerald Dream story and collect the Emerald Dream gear. I’m also excited for the conclusion of the Reforging Keeper Tyr story — and its reward of white scales for Dragonriding Drakes! — and for the story about Wrathion and Vyranoth teaming up to reach out to the Netherwing and Stormwing dragonflights.

On the other hand, I’m still behind on stories from earlier in the expansion. After having originally done all the leveling zone stories with Kamalia and having leveled Kaelinda primarily through World and Profession Quests, I found that I wanted to replay just the MSQ (to borrow FFXIV parlance) of the leveling Campaign storylines with Kaelinda. Kaelinda has finished the leveling Campaign storylines in Thaldrazsus and Ohn’ahran Plains, but she still needs to complete the leveling Campaign storylines in Waking Shores and Azure Span. After she’s done that, she’ll be ready to do the 10.1 Blue Dragonflight storyline at the Veiled Ossuary.

Although going back to the Shadowlands to do Korthia and Zereth Mortis at level 70 certainly made doing those zones much easier — and therefore more enjoyable — than they would have been at level 60, it was also a drag and a delay on my ability to get into the Dragonflight story progression. I had a long tail in Legion before I could properly get into Battle for Azeroth as I finished up leveling and doing Order Hall storylines for all the Classes. Although I don’t recall having a significant tailing of trying to finish up Battle for Azeroth content before I got into Shadowlands, I could have simply forgotten it because that time interval was also filled with IRL stresses.

So I’d like to try to take a step back from vigorously pursuing the Dream for a week or two (or few) to finish getting caught up on the 10.0 and 10.1 stories.

When the War Within arrives, I don’t want to have lingering unfinished business in the Dragon Isles holding me back.

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Kamalia returned the Gorloc-mauled talisman to Farrier Roscha, who spoke mournfully of her betrothed galloping freely under Onh’ahra’s gaze.
Kamalia realized that the dead Centaur woman’s soul would have gone to the Maw. She wondered if that soul was still intact… and if it was, if it was still sane. Then she remembered that a new Arbiter had been elevated before the mortals of Azeroth left the Shadowlands, and that it had been a few years since they’d come home from the Shadowlands before the Tyrhold Beacon lit and summoned adventurers to the Dragon Isles. She wondered which realm of the Shadowlands Farrier Roscha’s beloved had actually gone to.
She found she had nothing to say about the afterlife that would give comfort to Farrier Roscha’s grief, so she said nothing.
The soul of the Kaluak ancestor appeared above the offering basket at Kauriq Gleamlet and counseled her descendants, the bickering brothers.
Kamalia let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.
What if this soul had been assigned to Bastion, and had forgotten who she had been in life?
Or to Revendreth, and was locked away in a cage?
Or to Ardenweald, and was asleep in a wildseed or heedless in the form of a critter or beast?
Or to Maldraxxus, and had been obliterated in the ruthless arena in the first moments of her afterlife?
From what Kamalia had learned of the afterlives, it was a wonder that any souls were capable of responding to calls from their still-living kin at all.
The soul of the Uktulut Chieftain’s ottuk companion rose into the air.
Kamalia thought she could almost see the Kyrian Bearer carrying it away.
She wondered if there was a realm of the afterlife especially for beloved animal companions of humanoids.
She wondered if there were any places in the Shadowlands where those who had been family or friends in their mortal lives could actually reunite, or if meeting loved ones again in the afterlife was merely a fable that mortals from every world invented to help themselves cope with the loss of death.
If it wasn’t for the presence of tangible items originating from the realms of the Shadowlands in her own wardrobe and those of her close friends, Kamalia could almost make herself imagine that her experiences in the Shadowlands had been a series of vivid, lucid, horrible dreams.
I’ve been thinking about writing this up ever since I first quested through the Broken Isles with Kamalia a year ago.
I’m grateful and pleased that the writers are writing the Dragon Isles inhabitants’ beliefs about the afterlife as ignorant of what we learned of WoW cosmology afterlives in Shadowlands.
In a way, this story is my expression of “why I think Shadowlands was the worst WoW expansion ever and I want to excise it out of the story like an exon being removed from the mRNA transcript of a gene before it gets translated into a protein”. Yes, worse than Warlords of Draenor (which I also sometimes want to excise), or Battle for Azeroth (which I liked rather more than I expected, as long as I didn’t think too much about the War Campaign storyline), or Cataclysm (because evidently I don’t miss the pre-Shattering world enough to play WoW Classic Era).

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With datamining now rolling off the Patch 10.2 PTR —
Green and pink hair for Blood Elves! Yay! Now I’ll be able to make a proper Green Dragon Princess Mog!
New options for Moonkin form! I’m a fan of new appearance options, and I like the concepts. I’m not sure if any of them will be good fits for my Druid’s personality, though. I might try them out, then end up sticking with plain old ordinary Tauren Boomkin form. I hope there will also be a greater range of colorations for that form, without the extra decorations, and not Race-specific as the current color variations of Moonkin form are.
Fluffy cat-raptors! Again, I like the concepts, but I also am very fond of ordinary Cat Form and am the sort of player who still runs their Hunter with her very first starting-zone Tame, because that was the only companion she’s ever really wanted.
Leafy Druidy armor and weapons for everyone! I think the artists did well enough at making the Emerald Dream stuff distinct from the Ardenweald/Night Fae stuff — though with that said, I will definitely be using the butterfly wand and pinecone off-hand with the Night Fae moth backpacks!
Funny Amirdrassil Mage Tier set! In the Normal mode coloration, it looks very much like an iteration of the Mage Order Hall set from Legion, only even more Final Fantasy-esque. That HUUUGE hat is definitely worth getting, and so is the belt that looks kinda sorta like the Waist of Time (which I will never get because of the Battle Pet prerequisites that I just don’t wanna bother with).
The Netherwing and Thorignir haven’t been forgotten! But will Wrathion and Vyranoth be as amusing a pair to watch as Stellagosa and Arcanist Valtrois?
A Faerie Dragon Dragonriding mount and more colors for the Grotto Netherwing! I like the Enchanted Fey Dragon a lot and was hoping that it would eventually become a Dragonriding option.
Regular flying in the Dragon Isles! With very manageable requirements! As in, I’ve got all but the Patch 10.2 parts of it accomplished already B)

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As the story of Dragonflight advanced — and I had fallen behind because I hadn’t yet completed all the stories unlocked by the four launch faction Renown tracks — I increasingly wanted to just be done with Shadowlands — to not have my unfinished business in that expansion still nagging at me.

So, I’ve spent the past several weeks pushing hard to get through the things I hadn’t done in the Shadowlands yet. I did the 9.0 Kyrian Campaign a second time with Kaelyla to get the silver and blue version of the vesper staff. I finished the 9.0 Necrolords Campaign with Kaelinda — looking back on Shadowlands, I really should have just done all four 9.0 Campaigns with her to begin with. With that done, I was at last ready to finish the Korthia Campaign. I liked the Covenant chapters of the Korthia Campaign. It seemed like each Covenant got a meaningful advancement to their story, particularly the Kyrian.

Of course, while I was doing each of the Covenant-storyline-advancing chapters of the Korthia Campagin as a member of the relevant Covenant, having finished that Covenant’s 9.0 Campaign, so I could get the Covenant-specific extra bits of story, I also needed the appropriate Eversong Elf Mage persona, and an appropriate outfit for each chapter:

Bwonsamdi’s Watcher

Crown of the Seducer (LFR), Mantle of the Skyterror (LFR), Osteowings of the Necrolords, Divine Fury Raiment (LFR), Master Builder’s Shirt, Prime Conjurer’s Gloves, Prime Conjurer’s Cinch, Prime Conjurer’s Slippers, Staff of Earned Tranquility
I never thought I’d use the shoulders and robe from the Battle of Dazar’alor set — which I picked up while trying for the Crown of the Seducer — but whaddayaknow, they work really well with the Renown coloration of the Necrolords pieces.
The Crown of Autumnal Flora would coordinate nicely with the staff, but Mistcaller hadn’t coughed it up yet.

Although Bwonsamdi appears in the Ardenweald storyline, his aesthetics are rather more Maldraxxus. The use of Necrolords pieces in this ensemble made it fitting attire for Kateleina while finishing up the 9.0 Necrolords Campaign and doing the 9.1 Necrolords chapter as a Necrolord.
I liked how this chapter tied up some loose ends related to Kel’Thuzad and gave Thrall and Draka a chance to get to know each other.

Red is for Revendreth

Crown of Eternal Memorial, Soulbreaker’s Ebony Mantle, Burnished Crypt Keeper’s Mantle, Lovely Red Dress, Redeemed Inquisitor’s Handwraps, Vibrant Wildercloth Slacks, Sinful Inquisitor’s Slippers, Crypt Watcher’s Spire
After Kateleina finished the 9.1 Necrolords chapter, Kaelinda could do the 9.1 Venthyr chapter as Venthyr.
I liked how this chapter finally completed the crown of the medallions (a very obvious loose thread from the 9.0 Venthyr Campaign), gave Vashj and Kael’thas a chance to compare afterlives, and opened up a story thread for a future expansion (where have the Dreadlords taken Denathrius and will we see him as a boss again?).

Twilight Courtier

Night Courtier’s Regalia with Fae Revel Masque, Night Courtier’s Pack, Vestments of the Twilight Grove, and Meadow Guardian’s Staff
After Kaelinda finished the 9.1 Venthyr chapter, white-haired Khrysanthemina took up the baton to do the 9.1 Night Fae chapter as Night Fae.
I definitely appreciated how this chapter brought in some excursions to and interactions with the other Covenants, something which was lacking in their 9.0 story. I also liked how it gave a small measure of closure for Tyrande and the Kaldorei (a story which was further followed up in the Zereth Mortis and 10.0 Campaigns) and revealed new information about the relationship between the Winter Queen and Elune. Are the Winter Queen and Elune each others’ only sisters because they are from the diametrically-opposed forces of Death and Life, or do they also have sisters from each of the other cosmic forces? Is Eonar their sister from Order, Xal’atath their sister from the Void, and do they have sisters from the Light and from Fel/Chaos that we have yet to meet?

Selfless Seeker

Vestments of the Selfless with Crown of the Righteous, Selfless Sigil of the Archon, and Selfless Watcher’s Spire
After Khrysanthemina finished the 9.1 Night Fae chapter, Kaelyra took the opportunity to do the 9.1 Kyrian chapter as Kyrian.
I liked how this chapter finally brought the Kyrian who had been stranded in Maldraxxus home, gave souls assigned to Bastion the choice to keep or cleanse their memories, and clarified the nature of the Soulbinding relationship. I was intrigued that Apolon has a platonic, sibling Soulbind relationship with Artemede — and a romantic relationship with Kynthia.

When Kaelinda left the Shadowlands to move on to the Dragon Isles, she was halfway through Revered with Death’s Advance, with enough Stygia banked to get the Death’s Advance colorations for two out of the five Covenant 9.1 sets. I pushed that reputation to Exalted. I was dreading grinding the Stygia to get the Death’s Advance colorations for the rest of the Covenant 9.1 sets — until I discovered that, duh, farming Stygia from Maw star mobs was a piece of cake at level 70, with ilevel 402 gear.

With the goal of getting at least one piece of the Sepulcher of the First Ones Mage Tier set, I’d done the first four chapters of the Zereth Mortis Campaign so as to unlock the Creation Catalyst. After I finished the Korthia Campaign, I decided that I really ought to get the Shadowlands fixed up with a new Arbiter and Sylvanas sentenced to the Maw to retrieve all the souls who had improperly been sent there, so I finished up the Zereth Mortis Campaign (and all of its follow-up quests), too. I’m glad that I took the time to experience those stories for myself. I did the Zereth Mortis weekly & dailies until I had enough Sandworn Relics to get the purple Choral chestpiece from Rafiq and then upgrade it to the LFR version of the Sepulcher of the First Ones Mage Tier chestpiece using the Creation Catalyst. Along the way, I also managed to finish up Unlocking the Secrets. So when I was almost done with Zereth Mortis anyway, I finally got flying for the zone. Ah, well, that’ll make getting around there for Mog photoshoots easier to do 😀

I’d had Kaelyla hearthed at Root-Home trying to convince Mistcaller to just give me the Crown of Autumnal Flora already; yesterday, I got it!

I always hearthed or teleported out of the dungeon immediately after defeating Mistcaller — I didn’t continue on to Tred’ova — so I don’t have a count of how many tries it took me. At least a couple of months of doing it just once a day on Heroic (sometimes twice, with both Kaelyla and Kaelinda), I think.

Today, I finished the Stygia grind and got the last Death’s Advance Covenant 9.1 set. I also got the Anima-Siphoning Sword (its lavender color will be so perfect for Arcane Mage outfits!) after about two weeks of camping The Engulfer.

And now, at last, I am DONE with Shadowlands.

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The Korthia Campaign has multiple references to the Dreadlords being Up To Something and having some greater plan or objective that they are working toward. Sargeras being imprisoned with Illidan as his jailer doesn’t seem to have slowed them down at all! They successfully stole Remornia/Denathrius right out of the Dawnkeep. Although part of the Dreadlords’ schemes had them assisting the Jailer, that doesn’t mean that was all of their plan. Being demons, Mal’Ganis and Kintessa are hardly gone for good following their defeat in Sepulcher of the First Ones, and Remornia/Denathrius has not been recovered.

Meanwhile, in case you didn’t remember, Queen Azshara is out there intending to claim some form of power even greater than that of N’Zoth — or so she gloated when she scooted off when the Champions of Azeroth released her from Ny’alotha.

Currently, the Naga are making trouble in the Forbidden Reach and you can find a rather sinister lore book hinting at the return of Queen Azshara.

Now to put on my Tinfoil Hat:

What if… one component of the Dreadlords’ master plan involves getting Denathrius out of the slammer and married* to Queen Azshara so that together they can be the Ultimate Power Couple and reshape existence to their whims?


* Azshara will be no one’s consort, but with Sargeras on ice, perhaps she might deign to accept Denathrius as her consort?

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My oldest has been doing well in kindergarten. He’s gotten good at figuring out a word by putting together the letter sounds, and he knows most of the “high frequency” words in the caterpillar that’s been growing on our living room wall. He can read words in simple stories.
He is by no means literate enough yet to read quest text*…
He discovered Transmogrification, but his lowbie toons didn’t have any money. I told him he needed to do quests to get money. I taught him the elementary skills of questing: talk to the person who is sparkling**, pick up things on the ground that are sparkling, loot your kills, the silver arrowhead on the minimap is you and the yellow arrow is pointing where you need to go and when you get to the right place the arrow turns into a yellow dot. I’ve given him occasional help with specific quests that have trickier requirements (such as the one to /wave at the ogre chef in Exile’s Reach).
I’ve been amazed by what he’s managed to figure out how to do on his own.
He can get all the way through Exile’s Reach, the Demon Hunter starting zone, the Dracthyr starting zone, the Warlords of Draenor Dark Portal to Garrison introductory scenario, the Legion Broken Shore introductory scenario, the Battle for Azeroth rescue of Talanji from Stormwind introductory scenario, and the Shadowlands escape from the Maw introductory scenario.
Without reading***.
I’ve shown him how to take the skips for the expansion introduction scenarios, but he likes to play through them. He plays through them over and over, deleting a character he already has# to roll up yet another new Zandalari Troll or Nightborne to do it again. He peppers me with questions about the characters and the storylines (I am so tired of answering questions about Sylvanas…) and I tell him, “kid, you know that better than I do by now.”


*Or, thankfully, city chat channels. I ought to teach him to leave city chat channels whenever he comes into a capital city for the first time with a new alt now, so that he’s already in the habit of automatically getting out of them by the time he’s literate enough to know what they’re saying….
**I don’t use Outline mode because I’m too lazy to turn it off and then back on again when I want to take Sunday Mog Show screenshots. I still have to contend with sparkles in my screenshots, but I think they’re less distracting.
***He doesn’t go out and do any regular zone questing, though, so perhaps it might be better to say that one doesn’t need reading to do an on-rails scenario questing experience.
#My account only has about 8 slots that aren’t filled with my own toons, so I had to teach him how to type “delete” soon after he started wanting to make his own characters instead of just playing with my Night Elf Druid and the Orc Hunter I’d created for him when I first began allowing him to play WoW.

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