
Archive for the ‘Troll’ Category

A collection of outfits I have made for my Troll Mage. This installment also includes a couple of outfits modeled by a relatively short-lived Zandalari Troll Mage. Items that are no longer obtainable are marked with an asterisk (*).

8) Troll Action Battle Princess

Fen Spirit Headdress, Fen Spirit Mantle, Cloak of Everburning Knowledge, any sleeveless tunic, Talanji’s Expedition Tabard, Loa Speaker’s Cuffs, Sash of the Chosen Dead, Soothsayer’s Kilt, Warmongering Combatant’s Battle Staff

7) Yazma’s Replacement

Hallowed Pauldrons, Royal Apothecary Drape, Felfume Robes, Felcast Cord, Legacy of Arlokk
Yazma is actually wearing the Alliance versions of the Primal Combatant’s Amice of Prowess and the Primal Combatant’s Cord of Prowess.

6) Zandalari Apprentice Arcanital

Robe of the Keeper*, Dawnspire Cord, Tabard of the Zandalari, Soulkeeper

5) Darkspear Arcanital

Stonecloth Epaulets, Aboriginal Robe, Crimson Silk Belt, Ritual Gloves + Magiskull Cuffs, Griftah’s Authentic Troll Shoes, Staff of Firey Fate, Darkspear Tabard

4) Big Voodoo Ma’da

Dragonskin Cowl*, Voodoo Mantle*, Elder’s Robe, Stonecloth Britches, Jumanza Grips, Staff of Orgrimmar*
The leather Big Voodoo Robe is identical to the cloth Elder’s Robe.

3) Gaudy Pleats

Gaudy Winter Veil Sweater, Apothecary’s Waistband, Red Silk Trousers/Native Pants/Greenweave Leggings, Greenweave Gloves, Cryo-Core Attendant’s Boots, Agamaggan’s Quill
These gathered, pleated pants seem to me like a style that would be loose and flowing, rather than form-fitting, in real life.

2) Red Blood, Blue Blood

Double-Stitched Woolen Shoulders, Sanguine Robe, Wise Man’s Belt, Red Silk Trousers, Heavy Linen Gloves + Seer’s Cuffs, Sen’jin Doublet
Races that wear shoes might want some blue boots, such as the Cushy Cenarion Walkers.

1) Wild Magic

Zealot’s Robe*/Brightcloth Robe, Willow Belt, Native Pants, Flutterer Silk Handwraps + Firwillow Wristbands*/Goldenvine Wraps, Cookie’s Table Cloth, Resurgence Rod*/Ogre Mage Staff
Despite the hardships that the Darkspear Trolls suffered during her childhood and teenage years, Kiki’maia retains a bright, optimistic personality, which she expresses with a love of bright, cheerful colors.

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In my first couple of Plunderstorm matches, I died to PvE stuff before I even saw another player. I’m still trying to get used to having my default melee ability on R, since that’s not a key I have hotkeyed to anything in the normal game. I figured out that if I could land my parrot in a relatively isolated spot, I could level up and gather plunder from PvE mobs for awhile before encountering another player — at which point, I would die. I am definitely not getting about 500 reputation per match! 50 would be more like it. For this first night, weaving Plunderstorm matches in between Whizbang spawns and my reset day routine, I did enough matches to get to Renown 2.5-ish.

I’ll have to get to Renown 38 — almost to the cap of 40 — to get all the Mog stuff; there are three increasingly fancy Mog sets and a selection of weapons. There’s also Trader’s Tender at two of the intermediate Renown levels, which will be a nice boost for being able to purchase whatever shows up at the Trading Post in April.

To articulate a little better why I like the Plunderstorm being independent of main account activity: this means that I don’t have to either park the character that I want to do it with out in Arathi Highlands or do a lot of traveling back and forth between the Dragon Isles and Arathi Highlands with a character who also wants to keep working through her usual Dragonflight weekly routine.

My son, watching me trying it out, was interested in it and asked if I would let him play it. When he’s earned his screen time tomorrow afternoon, I’ll have to show him how to get into the Plunderstorm.

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One thing I’ve really appreciated about the “banding” paradigm for content from previous expansions that was introduced in Patch 7.3.5 is that it extended to Transmogrification — that one can now wear anything, including “endgame” items, from the highest level band that one has reached. That has made Mogging with the Minor Mages so much more enjoyable, even though most of them are still limited to Vanilla items.

I wonder how Transmogrification will be affected by the new leveling paradigm? Will characters in the 1-50 range now be able to wear anything from Vanilla through BfA? If so, then I might not need to do any leveling with the Minor Mages at all! Or will one only be able to wear stuff from expansions that one has actually visited? That would be okay, too — though it would become tedious, by the third or fourth alt, to have to cycle through all the expansions with Chromie just to unlock all the folios of the Wardrobe.


One of the first things I thought of in connection with the description of the new leveling paradigm for content from previous expansions in Shadowlands was “Now I can level my Pandaren just in Pandaria!”

What other race-expansion combinations might be good thematic fits?
Night Elf or Nightborne in Legion? Yes, but if I’d ever really do it is perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
Orc or Draenei in Warlords? Well, I’ve already got a Draenei stalled out at level 92 in Draenor, and I actually think it might be better to try to finish getting her through that content before the level squish.
Dwarf in Howling Fjord, Grizzly Hills, Storm Peaks, and Twilight Highlands? Hmm, hmm…
Troll in Stranglethorn Vale, Hinterlands, Zul Drak, and Kun Lai Summit? Yeah, yeah, I rather like that idea.
Undead in Lordaeron & Northrend? Well, yes, thematically it fits, but my Undead is not a supporter of Sylvanas’ agenda.
Worgen, Gnome, Goblin? *shrug*

So maybe in the end-of-Shadowlands lull — after I’ve completed the four Covenant Campaigns — I’ll level Kaoling. And maybe I’ll level Kikimaia, too — though a current feeling of interest in leveling a Troll could just be the influence of having been surrounded by Trolls for all of BfA, or it could be the influence of Classic because I’d rather be Troll than Undead to play a Horde Mage in Classic.


Night Elves have such an elegance to them. Does having a high-level Night Elf Balance Druid — who uses Glyph of Stars — fulfil the desire to have a caster Night Elf, so I don’t need to level a Night Elf Mage?

Nightborne have the elegance of movement of Night Elves, and they have such a pretty tabard and I rather like their Heritage Armor… but I just don’t like their resting stance. It bugs me enough that I’m not sure that I could get into playing my Nightborne alt. The stance of Zandalari Trolls has the same relationship to the stance of Darkspear Trolls as the stance of Nightborne does to that of Night Elves, but the Zandalari Troll stance doesn’t bug me quite as much as the Nightborne stance. Somehow the placement of the feet of the Nightborne seems a little too awkwardly, uncomfortably wide to me. I had the oddest thought the other day — the stance of Nightborne men doesn’t bug me the way the stance of Nightborne women does, so what if I were to reroll my Nightborne Mage as a man — likely an Occuleth clone, ha! — to level for the Heritage Armor? (There isn’t any other race I’d preferentially play as a man rather than a woman…)

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Will I ever do more with any of these characters than enter the world and maybe manage to get through the 1-5 zone and out to their racial capital city? Realistically speaking, probably not. Nevertheless, the collector in me still wanted to have a complete set of Classic Classes.

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For the Alliance!

Mountainsage Hood, Primal Mooncloth Shoulders, Whispering Tunic, Bridenbrad’s Sash, Leggings of the Night Sky, Exiled Dabbler’s Gloves, Faith Healer’s Boots*, Bone Witch’s Drape, Replica Lion’s Fang, Divine Companion, Stormwind Tabard

Kodo-Repellant Shoulders, Silksand Wraps, Belt of Unsolvable Problems, Gaze Dreamer Pants, Gloves of Rapid Evolution, Ritual Sandals, Bloodpetal Cloak, Orange Mageweave Shirt, Excavation Rod*, Everglow Lantern*, Ironforge Tabard

Eye of Flame, Orchid Amice*, Cat Lover’s Vest, Dreamer’s Belt, Darkweave Breeches, Gossamer Gloves + Courier’s Wraps, Elegant Boots, Staff of Dominance, Gnomeregan Tabard

Buoyant Shoulderpads, Replica Sorcerer’s Robes, Belt of False Promises, Gandling’s Gloves, Footfalls of Memories, Mok’Morokk’s Beat Stick, Darnassus Tabard

Ceremonial Shoulderpads of Karabor, Astralaan Robe, Ceremonial Sash of Karabor, Wild Gladiator’s Gloves of Prowess, Staff of the Redeemer, Exodar Tabard & Mantle

Lord Walden’s Top Hat, Enumerated Shoulderpads, Sorcerer Drape, Juju Belt, Godfrey’s Britches, Fel-Infused Grips, Woolen Boots, Staff of Deserved Tranquility, Gilneas Tabard

Arcane Pads, Blue Linen Robe, Sorcerer Sash, Heavy Linen Gloves, Tushui Tabard


For the Horde!

Circle of Flame, Simple Blouse, Aboriginal Sash, Ritual Leggings, Ritual Gloves + Cuffs of Black Elements, Kurkenstoks, Thaumaturgist Staff, Orgrimmar Tabard

Stonecloth Epaulets, Aboriginal Robe, Crimson Silk Belt, Ritual Gloves + Magiskull Cuffs, Griftah’s Authentic Troll Shoes, Staff of Firey Fate, Darkspear Tabard

Nimar’s Tribal Headdress, Silksand Shoulder Pads, Native Robe, Wise Man’s Belt, Heavy Linen Gloves + Featherbead Bracers*, Staff of Feral Furies, Thunder Bluff Tabard

Enumerated Shoulderpads, Mindwrack Robes, Clutch of Andros*, Cobalt-Threaded Gloves, Apprentice Boots, Wand of Qiraji Nobility, Light-Imbued Lantern, Undercity Tabard & Mantle

Sanctified Bloodmage Shoulderpads, Silvermoon Robes, Black Belt of Knowledge, Primal Combatant’s Gloves of Prowess, Sorcerer Slippers, Mantle of Silvermoon, Book of Highborne Hymns, Silvermoon City Tabard

Embersilk Tunic Cord & Leggings, Phoenix Gloves, Ritual Sandals, Spider Frier, Kobold Candle, Bilgewater Cartel Tabard

Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle, Red Linen Robe, Apothecary’s Waistband, Ritual Gloves, Apprentice Boots, Renzithen’s Dusty Cloak, Wand of Separation, Seer’s Fine Stein, Huojin Tabard

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A non-comprehensive collection of just the best Transmogrification Kits that I have made for the Minor Mages.

Alliance Core Races: Dwarf, Gnome, Night Elf, Draenei, Worgen, Tushui Pandaren
Horde Core Races: Forsaken, Troll, Orc, Goblin, Huojin Pandaren
Alliance Allied Races: Lightforged Draenei, Dark Iron Dwarf, Mechagnome
Horde Allied Races: Nightborne, Mag’har Orc, Zandalari Troll, Vulpera

Items that are no longer obtainable are marked with an asterisk (*).


Alliance Core Races: Dwarf, Gnome, Night Elf, Draenei, Worgen, Tushui Pandaren


Bronzebeard Firebrand

Kodo-Repellant Shoulders, Silksand Wraps, Belt of Unsolvable Problems, Gaze Dreamer Pants, Gloves of Rapid Evolution, Ritual Sandals, Bloodpetal Cloak, Orange Mageweave Shirt, Excavation Rod*, Everglow Lantern*
I couldn’t find a lot in orange, to go with the Ironforge Tabard, for a low-level character. This combination of oranges, browns, and golds works quite nicely, though.

Country Girl

Blue Overalls, Willow Belt, Mangy Claw Mitts, Trogg-Slayer Boots, Seer’s Fine Stein, Bright Yellow Shirt
A plain and simple look for a quiet, unassuming girl… but don’t make the mistake of underestimating her.

Brewfest Dirndl

Brewfest Dress, Ritual Gloves + Ritual Bands, Brewfest Slippers, Wand of Separation, Seer’s Fine Stein
It’s Brewfest! Let’s dance some polkas!
I think that maybe “dirndl” isn’t actually the correct name for this style of folk dress, but I’m not sure what the correct name is.


Gnomeregan Artificer

Eye of Flame, Orchid Amice*, Cat Lover’s Vest, Dreamer’s Belt, Darkweave Breeches, Gossamer Gloves + Courier’s Wraps, Elegant Boots, Staff of Dominance, Gnomeregan Tabard

S.A.F.E. Operative

Swoop-Tail Shoulders, Shimmering set, Jessera’s Fungus-Lined Cuffs, Green Linen Shirt
The Fel-Proof Goggles complete the look; I just haven’t gotten around to taking some new screenshots that include them.

Gnomeregan Runner

Crimson Tunic*, Captain Sanders’ Sash, Crimson Silk Pantaloons, Rotting Handwraps + Jessera’s Fungus Lined Cuffs, Warm Red Woolen Socks
A variation on Kelilla’s signature outfit worn while participating in the Great Gnomeregan Race.

Tale as Old as Time

Eternal Yellow Rose, Gossamer Desert Gown, Shuurt’s Precious, Sand-Swept Soiree Gloves, Trader’s Carrot Sarong, Sandswept Sandals, Zealot’s Prayer Staff
I considered adding the Golden Mobile Timepiece to this outfit; while it would be perfectly appropriate for a Gnome or a Bronze Dragon (or both), it would spoil the pop culture reference.

Father Winter’s Helper

Red Winter Hat & Red Winter Clothes with Rotting Handwraps + Jessera’s Fungus Lined Cuffs, Warm Red Woolen Socks, Green Linen Shirt, and Thaumaturgist Staff/Green Winter Hat & Green Winter Clothes with Shimmering bracers gloves & boots, Red Linen Shirt, and Whelp Keeper’s Staff
Who else but a Gnome to show off the best cloth accessories to wear with the Winter Clothes?
I am rather fond of the effect created by using the contrasting colored shirt.

Darkmoon Magician

Elder’s hat vest belt & pants, Silk Mantle of Gamn*, Shimmering gloves & boots, Aurora bracers, Cloak of the Darkmoon Faire, Green Holiday Shirt, Greater Magic Wand, Spellbinder Orb
Use the Gossamer shoulderpads to retain the white look of the Silk Mantle of Gamn, or use the Elder’s or Hibernal shoulders or the Slavehandler Amice to match the greens and purples.

Darkmoon Sleight-of-Hand

Elder Wizard’s Mantle, Cat Lover’s Vest, Nesingwary’s Sash, Genavie’s Leggings, Shimmering Gloves, Duskwoven Sandals, Tuxedo Shirt, Cloak of the Darkmoon Faire, Enchanted Azsharite Felbane Staff*
If you’re going to wear the Darkmoon Top Hat to get that sweet 10% XP and rep buff, you might as well own the look.
Trying for a stage magician sort of look here. I almost didn’t use any shoulders with this kit, until I saw how nicely these ones complemented the cloak.
A lookalike of the staff is the Rod of the Void Caller, a quest reward from Hellfire Peninsula. For a low-level character, the Magician Staff would also work nicely.

Keeper of the Fens

Enumerated Shoulderpads, Fen Keeper’s Robe*, Shimmering Sash, Heavy Linen Gloves + Jessera’s Fungus Lined Cuffs, Bright Boots, Arcane Staff*, Gilnean Adventurer’s Shirt
This lovely recolor of the Night Elf Druid starter robe was awarded from the pre-Cataclysm version of Rethiel the Greenwarden’s quest chain in the Wetlands. The Spellbinder Robe could be used for a similar look.

Whitemane’s Power

Whitemane’s Chapeau*/Ata’mal Crown, Silk Mantle of Gamn*, Robe of Power, Captain Sanders’ Sash/Apothecary’s Waistband, Heavy Linen Gloves, Shimmering/Ivycloth Boots
The Red Pointy Hat or Crimson Felt Hat would also work well with this set.
The Gossamer shoulders are a suitable alternate for the Silk Mantle of Gamn.


Daughter of the Stars

Buoyant Shoulderpads, Replica Sorcerer’s Robes, Belt of False Promises, Gandling’s Gloves, Footfalls of Memories, Mok’Morokk’s Beat Stick, Darnassus Tabard
I wanted to use Queen Azshara’s Dressing Gown for this outfit, but even though the actual item is equippable at level 51, which would suggest that it should be Moggable by characters in the Classic level bracket, the appearance requires level 78 to use because it is a lookalike of the Naxx 25 Mage tier chest 😦

With a high-level character, I’d probably use the Spire of Defiance for this kit.

Elune’s Bard

Moonpriest’s Vestments with Elune’s Wrath and Winterborn Harp
This is a perfect outfit for Keriluna’s backstory!

Druid of the Ley

Fallen Apprentice’s Robe, Belt of False Promises, Ritual Gloves + Greenweave Bracers, Ritual Stopper’s Slippers, Darnassus Doublet, Scepter of Celebras*
I chose this robe for my Night Elf Mage because is the same style as that worn by a newly-created Night Elf Druid — though before she became a Mage, Keriluna was neither a Druid nor a Priestess, but a Bard.

Stillpine Interpreter

Feline Mantle, Fur Covered Robe, Wizard’s Belt, Woolgathering Gloves, Ritual Stopper’s Slippers, Squire’s Shirt
It was delightfully easy to put together a nice low-level Transmogrification kit to go with this beautiful and unique starting zone quest reward robe.

Deep Purple Dreams

Feline Mantle, Cat Lover’s Vest, Wizard’s Belt, Darkweave Breeches, Woolgathering Gloves, Ritual Stopper’s Slippers
I love the deep purple color of this chestpiece and these pants, so naturally I had to use them together!

Purple Moonlight

Crown of Good Fortune, Festive Purple Dress, Replica Magister’s Gloves, Kurkenstoks, Mok’Morokk’s Beat Stick
This staff pulls together the silvery blue of the flowers and the purple of the dress quite nicely.

Miss Lorrayne

Hat of the Youngest Sister, Deadwalker Mantle*, Tranquil Spiritbind Robes, Belt of False Promises, Cobalt-Threaded Gloves + Paper Roll Bracers, Suspicious Slippers, Chillwind Staff
The Tainted Forest near Surwich was the most Bradensbrook-like place this lowbie character could find for her Crooked Tree kit.


Child of the Exodus

Ceremonial Shoulderpads of Karabor, Astralaan Robe, Ceremonial Sash of Karabor, Wild Gladiator’s Gloves of Prowess, Exodar tabard & cloak, Staff of the Redeemer
I designed this kit for the “Faction Pride” theme at the Trial of Style; it placed third.
Kaprikka was born on Draenor, in the region called Farahlon, in the first century after the Draenei settled there; she is between 200 and 250 years old. She has no living relatives who remember Argus; her parents were also born on worlds on which the Draenei had temporarily settled, and their progenitors have all perished in the course of the countless times that the Draenei have been found by the Legion.


Shadowmoon Shoulderguards, Fur Covered Robe, Hexweave Belt (2-655), Grips of the Void + Crystalweave Bracers, Waterfall Drape, Squire’s Shirt, Staff of the Redeemer
This kit came about because I wanted to use the stage 2 version of the Hexweave Belt — but not with its own robe — and thought it might be a good alternate belt for the Shadowmoon set. It is, but I’m not really all that fond of the Shadowmoon robe, so I looked for other robes I already owned that looked good with the combination of the Hexweave belt and Shadowmoon shoulders. It seemed appropriate that this classically Draenei-styled robe from Azuremyst Isle questing looked the nicest overall! After I’d decided to use this robe, it only seemed right to make the outfit with Kaprikka.

Space Opera Jumpsuit

Shoulderwraps of the Enthralled, Vindicator Tunic Belt & Pants, Manaspark Gloves, Enumerated Sandals, Lavender Mageweave Shirt, Staff of the Skymagi
The Vindicator set has always made me think of the jumpsuits worn by spaceship occupants in stories from the Golden Age of early science fiction.
Races that cannot wear invisiboots might like to use the Vindicator boots or the Ethereal Boots of the Skystrider that match the gloves.

Aldor Covenant

Pauldrons & Vestments of the Aldor, Nethershard Girdle, Gloves of the Fallen Wizard, Staff of the Unknown Road, Silver Covenant Tabard
Why the Silver Covenant NPCs are wearing Mage T4 raiment, I don’t know. But because they are, and because the Aldor are a Draenei faction, and because she is Draenei, Kaprikka insisted upon dressing like the Silver Covenant NPCs for her Silver Covenant set rather than coming up with something more original.
Kaprikka chose this hairstyle to go with this set in honor of her hero/role-model concerning all things Draenei and Mage-ical, Millya.

Soulmate Searching

Mantle of the Locusts, Soulcloth Vest, Wizard’s Belt, Titan-Forged Cloth Leggings of Salvation, Wraps of the Persecuted, Shattrath Jumpers, White Swashbuckler’s Shirt, Staff of the Skymagi
Some years ago, Shoryl of Dwarven District started a Transmogrification meme called “Mog Busting”. Though it was a fantastic idea, it sadly fizzled out after only a few rounds. While it was going, however, Kaprikka was lucky enough to have a beautiful dating outfit designed for her by Effraeti.


Cloudscorcher Cowl, Angkhal Amice, Soulcloth Vest, Wizard’s Belt, Manaspark Gloves, Cerulean Filigreed Doublet, Staff of the Redeemer
This hat looks best, I think, on white-haired Draenei and (naturally) Pandaren.


Netherwind Crown, Shoulderwraps of the Enthralled, Soulcloth Vest, High Councillor’s Sash, Darkweave Breeches, Sage’s Gloves + Crystalweave Bracers, Enumerated Sandals, White Swashbuckler’s Shirt, Staff of Divine Infusion
The first outfit I created for Kaprikka using the Soulcloth Vest.

White Wizard

Aurora Mantle, Astral Knot Robe*, Dawnspire Cord, Zaetar’s Gloves, Silky Spider Cape, Nolkai’s Lantern
The Astral Knot Robe was awarded from a pre-Cataclysm Mage class quest. The Gossamer or Aurora Robes may be used for a similar effect.

Hand of Destiny

Feline Mantle, Robe of the Dragon Slayer, Cincture of Woven Reeds, Scholar’s Gloves, Staff of the Royal Wizard, Tabard of the Hand
The unique Tabard of the Hand is awarded only to Draenei characters at the completion of the Bloodmyst Isle storyline, when they are acclaimed as revered heroes of the Hand of Argus. This outfit contains only items that a Draenei Mage could reasonably expect to be able to obtain by about the same time that she completes the Bloodmyst Isle storyline and receives the Tabard of the Hand, thus allowing her to make a complete, reasonably well-coordinated outfit to wear with her new tabard almost immediately.


Sage’s set with Aurora shoulders
What Draenei can wear this set and not think of Diktynna and the Red Snappers?

Eredar Sorcerer

Vileweave Amice, Forward Observer’s Camouflage Cloak, Vileweave Robes, Cord of Cacophonous Cawing (LFR), Fractured Soulgem Staff
Warlocks as a playable Class for Draenei and the Man’ari Eredar customizations seem like two changes for the Draenei race that were made to go together. I’ve seen at least one red Draenei Warlock bouncing around Valdrakken.
Here are some other staffs I liked with this outfit:

Ancient Soulpriest’s Staff

Inferna Rod, Edict of Argus (M)

Ebonchill (hidden, tint 3), Darktide Summoner Staff, Scar-Shell’s Scintillating Staff
To be completely honest, the Ancient Soulpriest’s Staff was what I really wanted out of doing “Seeing Red” 😛

Watch the Worlds Burn

Crown of Power, Soulbreaker’s Ebony Mantle, Wanderer’s Carrot Cloak, Lovely Black Dress, Cuffs of Devastation, Mountainsage Leggings, Gorridar, Ledger of Revolting Rituals (N)
Before I let my sweet Draenei go back to being her normal blue-and-white self, I wanted to use this combo of Eredar skin color and eyes (which are rather like the Night Elf Night Warrior eyes, hmmm); this also seemed like the appropriate character visage with which to do a Cloth outfit with the Sargeras-like sword from the November 2023 Trading Post capstone reward.

Frost Arcana

Lost Crown of the Arcane, Frostwind Mantle, Recruit’s Robe, Sprite Darter’s Sash, Sol’s Magestaff
With a great sigh of relief, Kaprikka is back to her usual self. This robe was the original Level 1 Draenei Mage robe, which she’s delighted to be able to use in a proper Mog at last.


Gilneas Vogue

Lord Walden’s Top Hat, Enumerated Shoulderpads, Sorcerer Drape, Juju Belt, Godfrey’s Britches, Fel-Infused Grips, Woolen Boots, Staff of Deserved Tranquility, Gilneas Tabard

Role Model

Seer’s Padded Armor, Nightwind Belt, Simple Kilt, Heavy Linen Gloves + Sage’s Bracers, Sandals of the Neverending Bridge
Motherhood is a prominent feature of Kymberlea’s RP story, so I made her a “Mom” outfit.
I like this style of bracers because they are so small and also because from certain angles they look sort of like a wristwatch.

Gilnean Bride

Crown of Prosperity, Noblewoman’s Finery & Skirt, Gloves of the Messiah, Sandals of Ritual
Kymberlea and her husband Bertie are middle-class tradespeople, so they probably would have been married in a smaller church in their own neighborhood rather than in the Cathedral itself — but of course in the abbreviated version of Gilneas City that exists in the game world, the Cathedral is all there is.
She might still have worn this clothing, though — it would be her Best Dress, not her everyday garb. The dress has elbow-length sleeves that are a bit awkward to work with, but fortunately these AQ40 gloves are a decent match for the color.

de Vil

Battered Jungle Hat, Wanderer’s Crimson Cloak, Lovely Black Dress, Ember Court Soiree Gloves, Lava-Starched Britches, Diamond-Tipped Cane
If she doesn’t scare you…
Wearing this outfit, I wish that female Worgen had a snout customization option to choose between the newer face and the original side-growl face.


Tushui Wanderer

Arcane Pads, Blue Linen Robe, Sorcerer Sash, Heavy Linen Gloves, Tushui Tabard
My original version of this outfit used the Feline Mantle, but now that Transmogrification allows any items up to the cap of one’s current level bracket, I can use some fancier shoulders!
I haven’t listed any boots because on a Pandaren, they won’t be visible anyway. If you want to support the Tushui as a character of another race, try the Kurkenstoks.


Horde Core Races: Forsaken, Troll, Orc, Goblin, Huojin Pandaren


Lordaeron, Lost

Azure Silk Hood, Enumerated Shoulderpads, Mindwrack Robes, Clutch of Andros*, Cobalt-Threaded Gloves, Apprentice Boots, Mantle of Undercity, Undercity Tabard, Wand of Qiraji Nobility, Light-Imbued Lantern
In the interest of faction parity, here is an outfit for the other racial capital city that was lost at the outset of Battle for Azeroth. I have never liked Undercity, though, so the chances of me asking Zidormi to turn back time in Tirisfal Glades are quite small indeed.

Royal Apothecary

Black Velvet Robes, Belt of Arugal*/Sash of Whispered Secrets, Black Mageweave Gloves, Apprentice Boots, Chillwind Staff
The NPC Royal Apothecary Society members are wearing the mail Infantry Belt, so I could only match the colour, not the style.

Bride of Arugal

Ghostly Mantle*, Robes of Arugal, Belt of Arugal*/Sash of Whispered Secrets, Black Mageweave Gloves, Apprentice Boots, Light-Imbued Lantern
Another classic set for a Forsaken.
The Shadow Council Mantle works very well with this robe.

Argent Apothecary

Simple Glasses, Argent Shoulders, Runecloth Robe, Argent Crusader’s Tabard, Black Mageweave Gloves, Celestial Observer’s Buckle, Apprentice Boots, Touch of Light + Tears of Heaven

Emerald Enchantress

Watcher’s cap & shoulders, Hinott’s Outer Robe, Keyton’s Sash, Brewer’s Gloves*, Slippers of Unturned Loyalties, Judkins’ Staff
The irony of using vibrant, uncontrolled life as the backdrop for an ensemble worn by an undead did not escape me.


Bronze-Tinted Sunglasses, Durable Shoulders, Sacrificial Robes*, Gossamer Belt & Gloves, Watched Watcher’s Slippers, Nimboya’s Mystical Staff*
In her first incarnation as a Warlock named Kaprikka — before I decided that a) I wanted my “one of each race” characters to all be Mages and b) that particular name really ought to belong to a Draenei — Kivrinne was one of my very earliest alts — even earlier than Kaelinda. Thus, she felt that she of all characters definitely deserved to look at Azeroth through bronze-tinted lenses.
These robes were originally obtained as a rare drop from the boss mob in the Tower of Ilgalar in Redridge Mountains. Since Cataclysm, Horde characters have been able to get them as the Ale-Soaked Robes from the most entertaining quest chain in Silverpine Forest.

Forgotten Potpourri

Crown of Dark Blossoms, Royal Amice, Robes of the Honorable, Master’s Belt, Black Mageweave Gloves, Apprentice Boots, Spellcrafter Wand*, Penelope’s Rose*
When the Lunar Festival flower crowns debuted, I commented that this coloration of the flower crown was just right for gloomy folks like Death Knights and Forsaken. After stumbling across this combo of flower crown and robe while exploring ideas for another character, I decided I ought to use it for my Forsaken, instead.


Darkspear Arcanital

Stonecloth Epaulets, Aboriginal Robe, Crimson Silk Belt, Ritual Gloves + Magiskull Cuffs, Griftah’s Authentic Troll Shoes, Staff of Firey Fate, Darkspear Tabard

Wild Magic

Zealot’s Robe*/Brightcloth Robe, Willow Belt, Native Pants, Flutterer Silk Handwraps + Firwillow Wristbands*/Goldenvine Wraps, Cookie’s Table Cloth, Resurgence Rod*/Ogre Mage Staff
Despite the hardships that the Darkspear Trolls suffered during her childhood and teenage years, Kiki’maia retains a bright, optimistic personality, which she expresses with a love of bright, cheerful colors.

Red Blood, Blue Blood

Double-Stitched Woolen Shoulders, Sanguine Robe, Wise Man’s Belt, Red Silk Trousers, Heavy Linen Gloves + Seer’s Cuffs, Sen’jin Doublet
Races that wear shoes might want some blue boots, such as the Cushy Cenarion Walkers.

Big Voodoo Ma’da

Dragonskin Cowl*, Voodoo Mantle*, Elder’s Robe, Stonecloth Britches, Jumanza Grips, Staff of Orgrimmar*
The leather Big Voodoo Robe is identical to the cloth Elder’s Robe.

Troll Action Battle Princess

Fen Spirit Headdress, Fen Spirit Mantle, Cloak of Everburning Knowledge, any sleeveless tunic, Talanji’s Expedition Tabard, Loa Speaker’s Cuffs, Sash of the Chosen Dead, Soothsayer’s Kilt, Warmongering Combatant’s Battle Staff


Orgrimmar Flamecaster

Circle of Flame, Geomancer’s Spaulders, Sanguine Robe, Aboriginal Sash, Ritual Leggings, Ritual Gloves + Cuffs of Black Elements, Kurkenstoks, Orgrimmar Tabard, Carved Ashwood Stick

Orgrimmar Fireweaver

Circle of Flame, Simple Blouse, Aboriginal Sash, Ritual Leggings, Ritual Gloves + Cuffs of Black Elements, Kurkenstoks, Thaumaturgist Staff, Orgrimmar Tabard

Mama Frostwolf

Stonecloth Epaulets, Mystic’s Robe, Willow Belt/Joanna’s Sash, Tangled Thread Gloves, Pagan Shoes, Thug Shirt*
I like to use a shirt with this robe style because the bodice is a little too skimpy for my taste; the Squire’s Shirt would probably also work well with this coloration of the robe.

Great-Mother Winter

Stonecloth Epaulets, Beaded Robe, Meat Packer Ribbon, Wet Work Gloves, Bloodcup Slippers, Red Linen Shirt
“But did you ever in your life/Know that [Great-Father Winter] had a wife?”
How Mrs Claus Saved Christmas, by Phyllis McGinley, is one of those classic stories that we read aloud every Christmas Eve in my family. It’s out of print, but I think it might be public domain by now, so perhaps you can find the text floating around the internet somewhere.

Wise Woman

Resilient Cap, Stonecloth Epaulets, Ancestral Robe, Willow Belt, Tangled Thread Gloves, Pagan Shoes, Bristlebark Cape, Apprentice’s Shirt
Although I modeled this outfit on a Human, a Forsaken, and a Worgen for Round 1 of Mog Madness, it was much more practical to make it in-game with Kenosha because the Ancestral Robe typically sells for sky-high prices and I had already obtained one for her. I will switch to the brown Outlander’s Pauldrons if and when Kenosha gets leveled up enough to wear them. Until then, I probably will not display the hood.


Bilgewater BOOM!

Embersilk Tunic Cord & Leggings, Phoenix Gloves, Ritual Sandals, Spider Frier, Kobold Candle, Bilgewater Cartel Tabard

Sepia Dreams

Durable Tunic, Dreamer’s Belt, Gaze Dreamer Pants, Phoenix Gloves, S.B.R.B. Prototype 1, Spellcrafter Wand*, Out-of-Date Manual
I like this chestpiece style for my Goblin because it is worn by the captains and first officers of the zeppelins that run between Orgrimmar, Undercity, and Grom’gol. Someday, perhaps I will make outfits for Kermione using each of the colors of this handsome tunic.

Portal Supervisor

Skein Woven Mantle, Wild Combatant’s Silk Robe, Breezebinder Handwraps, Quet’zal’s Crackling Cord (LFR), Slippers of Serenity, Portal Ripper’s Staff

Treasure Goblin

Enmity Hood, Treasure Nabbin’ Bag, Gray Woolen Robe, Moonsole Slippers, Garden Pitchfork

Time is Money

Sky-Captain’s Masquerade Attire with High Society Top Hat, Golden Mobile Timepiece, and Bling Cane/Heavily Stitched Wallet

Shabby Swabbie

Warm Woolen Cap, Skulker’s Cloak, Spun Cotton Shirt, Swabbie’s Gloves, Quilted Breeches, Surefooted Boots, Deadly Dagger, Gnomish Liquid Transfer Apparatus
This outfit was rewarded from Keg Leg’s Crew (Plunderstorm) Renown levels 2 – 9.

Storm Captain

Storm Captain’s Hat, Weatherproven Drape, Fine Crimson Doublet, Swindler’s Cutouts, Handwoven Trousers, Silent Leathers, Blacksteel Saber, Mistyreed Torch
This outfit was rewarded from Keg Leg’s Crew (Plunderstorm) Renown levels 12 – 21.


Plunderlord’s Tricorne of Admiralty/Plunderlord’s Monocle, Plunderlord’s Tassled Spaulders, Plunderlord’s Drapery, Plunderlord’s Waistcoat, Fine Crimson Doublet, Plunderlord’s Pilferers, Plunderlord’s Golden Cinch, Plunderlord’s Fancy Trousers, Plunderlord’s Muckscrapers, Plunderlord’s Fine Rapier + Anima-Infused Muck/Plunderlord’s Gilded Sigil
This outfit was rewarded from Keg Leg’s Crew (Plunderstorm) Renown levels 23 – 38.


Huojin Wanderer

Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle, Red Linen Robe, Apothecary’s Waistband, Ritual Gloves, Apprentice Boots, Renzithen’s Dusty Cloak, Wand of Separation, Seer’s Fine Stein, Huojin Tabard
This outfit isn’t quite “fresh off the balloon” because it uses some Ghostlands quest rewards.

Huojin Apothecary

Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle, Apothecary’s Robe, Apothecary’s Waistband, Ritual Gloves, Renzithen’s Dusty Cloak, Wand of Separation, Seer’s Fine Stein, Huojin Tabard
I like the cloth quest rewards from the Ghostlands so much that I send all of my cloth-wearing Horde characters there. Kaoling continues to wear them because they coordinate so nicely with the Huojin tabard.

Lucky Red Envelope

Crown of Prosperity, Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle, Festival Suit, Black Mageweave Gloves, Kurkenstoks, Nub’s Wand, Kobold Candle
“Firecracker” would be another good name for this outfit.


Alliance Allied Races: Lightforged Draenei, Dark Iron Dwarf, Mechagnome


Homesick Warmage

Draenic Silk Robes, Gossamer Belt, Lightforged Tabard, Nimboya’s Mystical Staff*


Moira’s Defense Mage

Silver-Thread set with Ritual Belt, Tabard of the Dark Iron, and Shadow Wing Focus Staff


Mechagon Spark

Red Mageweave Shoulders, Fire-Gizzard Robes, Mechagonian Tabard, Bling Cane

Rustbolt Returner

Square Holders, Dueler’s Aquatic Shoulder Cape, Wanderer’s Midnight Cloak, Inmate’s Straight Robe (H), Rustbolt Resistance Tabard, Belt of Arcane Storms (N), Neural Synapse Enhancer


Horde Allied Races: Nightborne, Mag’har Orc, Zandalari Troll, Vulpera


Student of the Dusk Lily

Cat Lover’s Vest, High Councillor’s Sash, Darkweave Breeches, Elder’s Gloves & Boots, Shal’dorei Tabard, Magician Staff
The purple and deep bluish-green combination of the Elder’s items makes a perfect combination with the colors of Thalyssra’s Dusk Lily sigil.
I’m a little bit disappointed that the Allied Race tabards are exclusive to each of those particular races, because I think this tabard is rather pretty and I’d like to be able to make kits for my other Elf Mages with it, too.
New Nightborne characters start out inside the Nighthold. The main gate to the rest of Suramar City is closed, but there’s a portal to Shal’aran. If a low-level Nightborne character tries to go out into Meredil, however, they can only get about as far as the point in the last picture before Occuleth teleports them back inside with a snarky remark.

Celumbra, the Night’s Dichotomy

Celumbra, Runespeaker’s Robes/Snowblind Vestments, Goliath Wraps of Hridmogir/Hagfeather Handwraps, Snowblind Cord/Electrified Stormwing Cord, Leywalker Pants, Snowblind Footwraps/Runespeaker’s Sandals, Warpcaster’s Staff

Celumbra, Robes of the Nightborne Ambassador, Mana-Cord of Deception, Withered Slippers, Warpcaster’s Staff


Mag’har Manashaper

Circle of Flame, Red Mageweave Shoulders, Fireworm Robes, Aboriginal Sash, Imperial Red Gloves + Timbermaw Bracers, Oilfoot Slippers, Shadow Wing Focus Staff, Tabard of the Mag’har Clans


Zandalari Apprentice Arcanital

Robe of the Keeper*, Dawnspire Cord, Tabard of the Zandalari, Soulkeeper

Yazma’s Replacement

Hallowed Pauldrons, Royal Apothecary Drape, Felfume Robes, Felcast Cord, Legacy of Arlokk
Yazma is actually wearing the Alliance versions of the Primal Combatant’s Amice of Prowess and the Primal Combatant’s Cord of Prowess.

Troll Action Battle Princess

Fen Spirit Headdress, Fen Spirit Mantle, Cloak of Everburning Knowledge, any sleeveless tunic, Talanji’s Expedition Tabard, Sash of the Chosen Dead, Soothsayer’s Kilt, Warmongering Combatant’s Battle Staff


Voldunai Explorer

Resilient Cap, Bright Armor, Juju Belt, Godfrey’s Britches, Treads of the Survivor, Silksand Cape, Tabard of the Vulpera, Umbranse’s Staff
I liked the bottom half of the Vulpera tabard enough that this had to be a trousers outfit.
I’m not particulary fond of hoods, in general, because they cover up or clip my characters’ hair. Vulpera, however, don’t have hair to cover up or clip, so I think I might just use hoods more often with Khariba’s kits.


Fen Spirit Headdress, Fen Spirit Mantle, Windchaser Robes, Zodiac Gloves*, Arachnidian Girdle, Ogre Mage Staff


Eternal Orange Rose, Conjurer’s Vest, Conjurer’s Bracers, Trader’s Carrot Sarong, Branch of Nordrassil

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After a few days, the Underpowered Death Knight reported that she had collected twelve different pamphlets from the Doomsayers. It had taken her that long to be sure that she’d gotten them all, as after she’d gotten a handful, she started to get duplicates, but there didn’t seem to be any more than that. She gave them to Kaelinda to analyze. Flicking through the tattered, stained, crumpled, blackened, worn, damp, scrawled, scribbled, odorous, ominous, demonic, prophetic pile, Kaelinda quickly concluded that advice from other expert opinions would be valuable. She invited her Mage friends to study the pamphlets with her.

“The things that Kael’thas’ followers said about their plan to bring Kil’jaeden through the Sunwell,” Kaelinda said, “sounded a lot like this. There wasn’t actual death in that transformation, but the rest of it is more or less the same.”

“This drivel,” Kaprikka scowled, “is distressingly similar to the propaganda that Socrethar used to seduce the Sargerei.”

“I wasn’t there during the War of the Ancients,” Keriluna mused, “I was born a few decades afterward. My parents didn’t like to talk about that time, but when they thought I was old enough, they told me about it. These words… they are just like my parents’ memories.”

“Oh, I think I know what this one’s talkin’ about!” exclaimed Khrissalys. “Did yeh hear about how King Magni got turned into diamond when he went to commune with the earth just before the Cataclysm? Well, he woke up and I saw him with my own eyes walkin’ out of Ironforge.”

(the other two prophecies reference the second and fourth Legion comics)

Kaoling shook her head sadly. “The evaporation of the mists was enough of a shock, and then Pandaria was devastated by the escape of the great Sha, and especially the destruction of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. I think there are many Pandaren who feel like their lives were turned upside down who would be susceptible to this message. Those who were severely afflicted by the great Sha might be even more so.”

“There are many who are unhappy with the current state of our governments,” Kymberlea observed, “Those who ask, where is Lorna? Where is Tess? Where is Calia? It is bad enough that these people are… reluctant to fight in the normal conflicts of our nations. It is worse to think that those sympathies could be used to persuade them to turn traitor to our world itself.”

“Why,” Kenosha muttered disgustedly, “why are my people so stupid? After all that we have suffered because of our bloodlust in the past, why would they think that this is the most honorable way to deal with this threat?”

“Most of my family belongs to a sect of the Church of the Holy Light that has as one of its tenets being prepared for future misfortune,” Kaylynda explained, “I bet that’s where this list originally came from.”

“I’m not sure that this is actually related,” Kivrinne said, “This looks to me like a left-over Twilight’s Hammer flyer from before the Cataclysm. That, or poetry by a high level cleric of the Forgotten Shadow. I hear that priests who turn their backs on the Light are going not just into the Shadow, but all the way into the Void now.”

“Dem Darkmoon carnies are pretty clever,” said Kikimaia, “I wouldn’t trust just a suit, though. I’d feel bettah if it had a voodoo charm ta strenthen da illusion, too.”

“What a scam!” hooted Kermione. “We should put out some counter-pamphlets telling people not to trust this at all. Gallywix’ll just take your life savings and enslave you. Been there, done that!… Didn’t get a T-shirt, though… hmm, maybe I oughtta suggest the idea to Boss Mida.”

“Only two air fresheners?” said Kelilla, “They really think a demon invasion would be over that soon? But what’s more worrying is that they aren’t including any Trogg repellent.”

“Still, if there are folks trying to make gold off of this” — the Gnome waved her hands to encompass the pamphlets held by the Goblin and the Troll — “then this kind of stuff must have been going around for awhile already.”

Kaylynda shook her head in astonishment. “Just what has been going on on Azeroth while we were all away on Draenor…?” Her eyes widened and she buried her face in her hands. “Kairoz, you blithering idiot! Whatever you thought you were doing when you brought Garrosh to Draenor, you’ve gotten us into way more trouble than you were planning for!”

“You mean –” began Kaelinda, “Oh! Remember what the Black Prince said? What he showed us?”

All around the table, heads nodded.

That is what this is all about.”

“You know,” Kaylynda said after a moment, “tomorrow is Tuesday. New and strange things always seem to happen on Tuesdays. Kaelinda, you had better tell your Death Knight friend to continue keeping an eye on these Doomsayers, just in case they change their behavior somehow tomorrow…”

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BTH and I flew back to Canada on Wednesday, only to find that our home internet had gone out. It took us until this afternoon to get it back online.

Among the many museums I visited while in Paris, I became particularly interested in going to the musee du quai Branly when I saw signs advertising that they had a temporary exhibition about the Plains Indians. I visited the wonderful Palais de la decouverte earlier that morning (it opens an hour before the Branly) and my camera’s memory card filled up just before I went in, so I was glad, when I finally got to the Branly, that I’d remembered to bring a sketchbook and some colored pencils.

This dress is based on a Lakota/Cherokee woman’s dress from around 1825, and the baby carrier is based on one made by the Dakota around 1840.

When I went into the museum’s permanent collection, these masks from Vanuatu, which apparently represent ogres of the local mythology, immediately reminded me of WoW’s Trolls:

The main body of the mask is a red clay, with designs painted in black. One mask stood out because it had a round face instead of an elongated one and bright blue paint instead of black. My sketches don’t adequately convey the strong dimensionality of the noses, eyebrows, and lips.

Our travels in Germany took us to Wurtzburg. Walking over the Alte Mainbrucke immediately reminded me of the bridge into Stormwind.

click on the images to visit the sites from which I borrowed them

Our last stop was in Freiberg, where we spent the weekend visiting with BTH’s parents, who have been there for the past 18 months as missionaries specifically called to serve in the Freiberg Temple. Senior couple missionaries have fewer restrictions on their activities than the young proselyting missionaries do, so on Monday (their day off), they took us to see the Terra Mineralia museum housed in one wing of the Freiberg schloss. The many huge crystal formations showcased in the collection — especially the amethysts — reminded me of the Draenei. They are also reminiscent of the areas of Outland where netherdrakes are found.

These aren’t quite the same thing as Syrco’s wonderful “What in WoW reminds you of your home?” prompt, though, so I shall have to address it properly sometime.

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click on the images to see the full-size versions of these pictures

I began this project last summer, as a follow-up to my rather crudely-assembled racial height and build comparison.

At the time, however, the sexism-in-WoW discussion was going around again, and I felt that it would be rather gauche to post what is undeniably an objectified image: I have reduced my models to shapes to be studied.

I’d been meaning to complete it anyway, but somehow BTH always seemed to already be using the tablet to work on his comic whenever I wanted to work on it 😛

With all the wonderful new model previews being released, I figured I’d better finish this up quick, even though some of the subtleties of the stances and the shapes will soon be out-of-date.

I had been thinking I’d do a further follow-up of close-up studies of the front and profile shapes of the faces, because I feel like I still don’t have a really good grasp on how to make some of the races different from my standard way of drawing human people. I’d like to do a companion set of “beach bums of Azeroth”, too, because I feel that I understand the male shapes even less than the female shapes. Maybe I should wait on that until all the new models come out in 6.0, though.

Speaking of the new models, I’ve liked all the ones we’ve seen glimpses of so far, and I look forward to seeing the Night Elf, the Troll, and especially the Tauren. The new female Orc makes me wish I hadn’t deleted my level 35 Orc Enhancement Shaman. I do hope the shaved head texturing makes it into the final model.

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Kamalia’s Guide to the Barbershop (bonus edition)

Okay, so, height and build aren’t exactly things that you can change at all, let alone at the barbershop. They are, however, appearance-related. I put together this scale comparison of the various World of Warcraft player-character races for my own reference. Although it’s kind of rough around the edges, I thought others might find it useful, too.
Click on the small picture to see a larger version.

The Alliance races were all compared to a normal-sized NPC human. The Horde races were all compared to a normal-sized NPC blood elf. I used a comparison between a tauren and a normal-sized, neutral night elf (a Moonglade NPC) to make sure that the two factions were correctly scaled relative to each other.

Also, I finally managed to update the rest of the Azeroth Beautician’s Manual of Feminine Style to include pandaren color and style information.

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