
Archive for the ‘Vulpera’ Category

A collection of outfits I have made for my Vulpera Mage. Items that are no longer obtainable are marked with an asterisk (*).

5) Sunshine and Roses

Crown of Infinite Prosperity/Spring Reveler’s Dandelion Sun Hat, Spring Reveler’s Dandelion Dress, Touch of Light, Dreamseeker Dandelion
This is my favorite coloration of the available Spring Reveler’s sets; the early datamining of these items included a fourth coloration which I liked best of all, but which didn’t make it into the live game (or at least hasn’t yet).
I like the Sun Hat style particularly well on my Vulpera because she doesn’t have any hairstyle to cover up. However, the Dandelion is the only color of the Sun Hat style that I actually like. Furthermore, since all of my Mages are Herbalists, when they eventually get to the Dragon Isles, they’ll be able to wear the Wildercloth Gardening Hat (or Master’s Wildercloth Gardening Hat). Thus, I’m not sure if I actually want to buy this hat.

4) Foxflower

Eternal Orange Rose, Conjurer’s Vest, Conjurer’s Bracers, Trader’s Carrot Sarong, Branch of Nordrassil

3) Crooked Soulbreaker

Soulbreaker’s Ebony Vestments with Hat of the Youngest Sister, Repression Belt, Noble’s Fancy Boots, Waycrest Guard’s Cloak, and Damnation
Originally posted as Blood Elf Mage 115

2) Windchaser

Fen Spirit Headdress, Fen Spirit Mantle, Windchaser Robes, Zodiac Gloves*, Arachnidian Girdle, Ogre Mage Staff

1) Voldunai Explorer

Resilient Cap, Bright Armor, Juju Belt, Godfrey’s Britches, Treads of the Survivor, Silksand Cape, Tabard of the Vulpera, Umbranse’s Staff
I liked the bottom half of the Vulpera tabard enough that this had to be a trousers outfit.
I’m not particulary fond of hoods, in general, because they cover up or clip my characters’ hair. Vulpera, however, don’t have hair to cover up or clip, so I think I might just use hoods more often with Khariba’s kits.

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Now that we’ve got some dates for Pandaria Remix — start May 16 and end August 19 — I can think about refining plans for what I want to do with it.

The May 16 start date for Pandaria Remix is offset from the Patch 10.2.7 release on May 7, giving me a week and two days to do the War Within bridge questline before jumping into Timerunning. The full duration of the Timerunning event runs right up until about a week before my Fall semester will begin — and suggests that the War Within pre-launch event might drop right when I’m in the middle of the high-crunch time of preparing for and getting through the first week of classes. Oh, joy.

All of my lecture courses need some level of iteration this summer. All of my courses are losing a couple of lecture days due to a change in the academic calendar, so I have to figure out which lessons to cut and how to adjust the rest of the course content to compensate. I switched textbooks for my sophomore-level majors class two years ago and I haven’t quite gotten my unit review sheets fully caught up to the differences in content organization of the new book compared to the old book. My GE physical sciences survey class is moving from a 75 minutes 2 days per week format to a 50 minutes 3 days per week format, so it’s going to need a lot of work.

Thus, I think it will be best to go into Pandaria Remix with a very limited set of goals:
1) Level ONE character, probably a Kul Tiran, to at least 50
2) Do the Landfall Campaign (becomes available at level 20)
3) Max out the faction reputation associated with the Landfall Campaign for the Landfall meta achievement to get the Sin’dorei Magister’s Regalia.
4) IF I’ve made adequate progress on my preparation for Fall semester and there’s enough time remaining in the event, level a Vulpera to 50

I’d like to someday acquire Heritage Armor for my Kul Tiran and my Vulpera. Blizzard has confirmed that leveling an Allied Race toon to 50+ in Pandaria Remix will allow the character to pick up their Heritage Armor as soon as they get ported into the regular game at the end of the event. Back in the day, I only did Landfall from the Horde perspective, which makes running a Kul Tiran to see the Alliance perspective on that sequence of events more appealing. I’m also somewhat more interested in the Kul Tiran Heritage armor than the Vulpera, particularly because I want to see if I can make some good mashups with the Plunderlord set.

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The idea of Timerunning as a rapid alt leveling mechanism is certainly intriguing — but if I could port my existing under-level-70 alts into Timerunning at their current levels, instead of creating new alts specifically for that game mode, it would be even better!

One idea I’ve been entertaining for making new alts is using Timerunning to create and level male Blood Elf and Void Elf characters to be the SOs of Kaelinda and Kaelyla. They’d probably both be Mages because I’ve already illustrated them that way — though I have facetiously contemplated making Kaelinda’s SO into a Warlock because he works in Silvermoon’s finance bureau and finance is Teh Evel, amirite?

Something important to consider, though, is which of the Timerunning cosmetic rewards that have been previewed so far I am most interested in acquiring.
The Halfhill Famer’s Backpack is amusing enough for me to want to pick it up even if I only use it in a Sunday Mog Show outfit once. That’ll require completing the Valley of the Four Winds Timerunning meta Achievement.
The Class Armor sets and Class Arsenal sets that unlock by completing the Landfall (Patch 5.1) and Isle of Thunder (Patch 5.2) Timerunning meta achievements, respectively, are recolors of the Trading Post sets that were available during the last third of 2023. I acquired the Mage Armor & Arsenal, the Hunter Armor, the Druid Arsenal, and the Monk Arsenal from the Trading Post. The new color scheme for the Mage Armor is called “Sin’dorei Magister’s” so of course I gotta have it. I find myself about as interested in the other Class Armor sets as I was before. Of the Arsenals, I am most interested in the new color scheme for the Druid weapons. The new color scheme for the Mage weapons is also quite nice — but I haven’t managed to use any of the Battle Magister’s weapons from the Trading Post in a Sunday Mog Show outfit yet. The new color scheme for the Monk weapons is lovely, too, but not quite to the level of “oooh must have!”

If I did Timerunning with a Vulpera Monk and a Kul Tiran Druid, in addition to the Eversong Elf fellas, I could pick up the other Class Armor & Arsenal sets I’m most interested in, and when those toons get ported back into the regular game after Timerunning ends, I ought to be able to get the Heritage Armor for those races.

Timerunning will be competing, however, with the War Within lead-in storyline and its associated cosmetics collection activities. So if I only have time & attention this summer for one Timerunning toon, it’ll most likely be Kaelinda’s SO.

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In my first couple of Plunderstorm matches, I died to PvE stuff before I even saw another player. I’m still trying to get used to having my default melee ability on R, since that’s not a key I have hotkeyed to anything in the normal game. I figured out that if I could land my parrot in a relatively isolated spot, I could level up and gather plunder from PvE mobs for awhile before encountering another player — at which point, I would die. I am definitely not getting about 500 reputation per match! 50 would be more like it. For this first night, weaving Plunderstorm matches in between Whizbang spawns and my reset day routine, I did enough matches to get to Renown 2.5-ish.

I’ll have to get to Renown 38 — almost to the cap of 40 — to get all the Mog stuff; there are three increasingly fancy Mog sets and a selection of weapons. There’s also Trader’s Tender at two of the intermediate Renown levels, which will be a nice boost for being able to purchase whatever shows up at the Trading Post in April.

To articulate a little better why I like the Plunderstorm being independent of main account activity: this means that I don’t have to either park the character that I want to do it with out in Arathi Highlands or do a lot of traveling back and forth between the Dragon Isles and Arathi Highlands with a character who also wants to keep working through her usual Dragonflight weekly routine.

My son, watching me trying it out, was interested in it and asked if I would let him play it. When he’s earned his screen time tomorrow afternoon, I’ll have to show him how to get into the Plunderstorm.

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Now that we’ve finally got a broom that can be used year-round, I wanted to revisit some of my favorite Hallow’s End outfits from years past.

Classic Wicked Witch

Wicked Witch’s Hat, Regal Mantle, Black Mageweave Robe, Nesingwary’s Sash, Footfalls of Memories, Crystalfire Staff
I can’t claim any sort of originality or creativity for this kit because it’s what the NPC witches are all wearing. This outfit will never be out of style for Hallow’s End.
Originally posted as Human Mage 32

Epic Wicked Witch

Wicked Witch’s Hat, Magnificent Aeroglide Shoulderpads, Ashjra’kamas, Shroud of Resolve (rank 1), Plaguebringer’s Robe, Plaguebringer’s Gloves, Mana Cord of Deception, Pulverizing Felsoles, Electrowing Dagger (H) + Ledger of Revolting Rituals (H)
Originally posted as Blood Elf Warlock 62

Like, Totally, Not a Death Cultist, Okay?

Wicked Witch’s Hat, Mantle of Deceit, Ravencourt Formal Robes, Whirlpool Gloves, Vicious Fireweave Belt, Vile Manipulator’s Footwraps, Malevolence
WTB black lipstick at the Barbershop, kthx?
Originally posted as Blood Elf Warlock 73

Hallow’s End

Skywitch Hat, Death Speaker Mantle, Death Speaker Robes, Conjurer’s Cinch, Staff of the Great Reptile
Originally posted as Human Mage 7

Hallows Chamberlain

Duskhallow Mantle, Consortium Combatant’s Robes, Silver-Thread Gloves, Black Belt of Knowledge, Ritual Sandals, Starrgo’s Walking Stick
Originally Posted as Tauren Priest 48

Mistress of Flame and Shadow

Jewel of the Firelord, Mantle of Closed Doors, Chan’s Imperial Robes, Stylish Black Shirt, Silver-Thread Gloves, Durable Belt, Silver-Thread Boots, Staff of the Left-Hand Path
Originally posted as Blood Elf Warlock 8

Fire Witch

Jewel of the Firelord, Mantle of Closed Doors (N), Watcher’s Tunic, Amber Filigreed Doublet, Elastic Wristguards, Black Mageweave Gloves, Braided Manastring Cinch, Vileweave Leggings, Saltarello Shoes, Teebu’s Blazing Longsword, Igniter Rod
Originally posted as Blood Elf Mage 42

Bonfire Watcher

Circle of Flame, Mantle of Closed Doors (N), Watcher’s Tunic, Exiled Dabbler’s Gloves, Clutch of Andros, Legwraps of the Master Conjuror, Landfall Silk Treads, Crystalfire Spellstaff (3-660)
Originally posted as Blood Elf Warlock 20

Fancy Wicked Witch

Hat of the Youngest Sister, Hatefury Mantle, Cloak of Concentrated Hatred, Imbued Netherweave Tunic, Handguards of Defiled Worlds, Vicious Fireweave Belt, Leggings of the Icy Heart, Saltarello Shoes, The Horseman’s Sinister Slicer, Ephial’s Grimoire
Originally posted as Blood Elf Mage 25

Miss Aria

Hat of the First Sister, Ravencourt Formal Mantle (N), Barrage Dodger Cloak, Ravencourt Formal Robes (N), Handguards of Defiled Worlds, Mana-Cord of Deception (N), Baleful Spire
Originally posted as Human Mage 72

Crooked Soulbreaker

Soulbreaker’s Ebony Vestments with Hat of the Youngest Sister, Repression Belt, Noble’s Fancy Boots, Waycrest Guard’s Cloak, and Damnation
Originally posted as Blood Elf Mage 115

Tirisgarde Archmagus

Hat of the Third Sister, Mantle of Tirisgarde, Black Embersilk Gown, Girdle of Tirisgarde, Gloves of Tirisgarde, and Archmage’s Staff*
Originally posted as Blood Elf Mage 92

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I’m just not feeling the Renown grind this week. I look at the base zone WQs — what can I do for Anima? what can I do to complete Callings? — and I don’t feel like going out and doing them.

I want to go to Zereth Mortis. I want to explore and scout the place out for pretty locations for Mog photoshoots. I want to do the 9.2 Campaign. I want to get whatever the most easily-obtained coloration of the zone set is. I want to do whichever category of Cipher of the First Ones research it is that gives buffs for world activities, and whichever one opens up the Zereth Mortis puzzle minigames — I enjoyed the puzzle minigames in Legion and Battle for Azeroth — and ignore all the other categories.

But I haven’t yet gotten the breadcrumb quest to even start Zereth Mortis. I think it’s because I’m currently in Covenants for which I haven’t completed the 9.0 Campaigns and because I haven’t done the opening chapters of the 9.1 Campaign. I should go do the opening chapters of the 9.1 Campaign because I’m getting tired of being ground-bound; it would be nice to be able to fly again. And I just read on Wowhead that there’s been a hotfix that “Each of the four original Covenant campaign questlines now reward a total of 20 additional Renown.” So I should do the Kyrian Campaign with Kaelinda and the Necrolords Campaign with Kaelyla, because those are the Covenants that they aren’t maxxed out in Renown already with. Which is all scrambled up from my original plans, but at this point, eh, whatever….

The Zereth Mortis zone set reminds me of the Vulpera aesthetic, so I tried it out on Khariba, and sure enough, it looks super cute on her:

Choral set with Shadowmoon Cowl and Mok’Morokk’s Beat Stick

Why is it that the LFR coloration of raid sets always seems to be the green one?

They all have silly hats; the Warlock hat is thankfully not offensive anymore, but is rather the silliest of the lot. The Warlock shoulders, robe, and belt are the most interesting. The other two robes are handsome enough, I guess, but feel… plain, somehow. Still, if I can get Kaelinda and Kaelyla’s iLevels up enough, I might eventually go do Sepulcher of the First Ones LFR. Fortunately for me as a Mage, the Priest robe, Warlock shoulders, Warlock robe, and Warlock belt all have lookalike pieces– but the Mage robe does not have a lookalike piece.


Even though I don’t intend to do anything with her in the Shadowlands for a long time yet, I brought Karaelia out to Bastion for the sake of having a character of every armor class positioned to prep for 10.0 — and wherever Karaelia goes, her twin Kaohana goes, too. Both of them have activated Threads of Fate and pledged to the Kyrian.

Karaelia has been wearing her outfit since November of 2020, and Kaohana has been wearing her outfit since February of 2021! They are both rather anxious for some new clothes!

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in from the dunes

I played through the Vulpera recruitment questline last night and it was AWESOME. So much fun!

Khariba is named after my graduate school mentor — not the professor who was my advisor of record, but the senior staff member with whom I worked most closely on my thesis project — who is originally from Iran — though she usually says “Persia” because of the political tensions between the US and Iran for the past several decades.

Voldunai Explorer
Resilient Cap, Bright Armor, Juju Belt, Godfrey’s Britches, Treads of the Survivor, Silksand Cape, Tabard of the Vulpera, Umbranse’s Staff
I liked the bottom half of the Vulpera tabard enough that this had to be a trousers outfit.
I’m not particulary fond of hoods, in general, because they cover up or clip my characters’ hair. Vulpera, however, don’t have hair to cover up or clip, so I think I might just use hoods more often with Khariba’s kits.

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Well! It seems that Blizzard is anxious to clear the way for a 9.0 announcement at Blizzcon.

I pushed to Exalted with the Voldunai earlier in the expansion in hopes that the Vulpera would eventually become an Allied Race for the Horde — and now they are! I know what I’ll be doing the first time I have a good amount of time available to play after Patch 8.3 goes live! I like the Vulpera Heritage Armor, but given the slow progress of the Allied Races characters I already have, I doubt that my Vulpera Mage will get any farther from home than Orgrimmar.

My Goblin and Worgen Mages won’t be getting anywhere anytime soon, so I read the walkthroughs of their Heritage Armor questlines. The Worgen Heritage Armor design and questline almost make me want to boost my Worgen to 110 and start leveling her to 120.

I’m not reading through the information about storyline progression such as the Horde and Forsaken leadership decisions, Tyrande’s opinion on the conclusion of the War Campaign, and the dragonflights. I want to experience those stories fresh when I play them. Besides, there are a few lore things I need to do first — Kamalia’s gotten her Heart of Azeroth to 60 but still needs to do the red dragon questline (and then she needs to get it to 70 and do the blue dragon questline), and I still need to hop into LFR for the last wing of Eternal Palace so I can go do the 8.2.5 Wrathion questline.

I’m glad to see the Vale of Eternal Blossoms restored… even if it is only to come under another form of Old God darkness. I’ll probably play through the Titan Assault events in the Vale and in Uldum at least once, just to see what they’re all about. I doubt I’ll do any of the other N’zoth attack content due to lack of time and interest.

Battle for Azeroth continues to be mostly misses on the raid Transmogrification front for me. I like the Uldir sets. I want the crown from Opulence and the Int staff from Jadefire Masters from Dazar’alor — but the sets? Nope. The Eternal Palace sets have some nice colors and some interesting style ideas, but they aren’t “must have” for me. The Ny’alotha stuff is another great big pile of Nope.

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