
Archive for the ‘Warlords of Draenor’ Category

Kamalia returned the Gorloc-mauled talisman to Farrier Roscha, who spoke mournfully of her betrothed galloping freely under Onh’ahra’s gaze.
Kamalia realized that the dead Centaur woman’s soul would have gone to the Maw. She wondered if that soul was still intact… and if it was, if it was still sane. Then she remembered that a new Arbiter had been elevated before the mortals of Azeroth left the Shadowlands, and that it had been a few years since they’d come home from the Shadowlands before the Tyrhold Beacon lit and summoned adventurers to the Dragon Isles. She wondered which realm of the Shadowlands Farrier Roscha’s beloved had actually gone to.
She found she had nothing to say about the afterlife that would give comfort to Farrier Roscha’s grief, so she said nothing.
The soul of the Kaluak ancestor appeared above the offering basket at Kauriq Gleamlet and counseled her descendants, the bickering brothers.
Kamalia let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.
What if this soul had been assigned to Bastion, and had forgotten who she had been in life?
Or to Revendreth, and was locked away in a cage?
Or to Ardenweald, and was asleep in a wildseed or heedless in the form of a critter or beast?
Or to Maldraxxus, and had been obliterated in the ruthless arena in the first moments of her afterlife?
From what Kamalia had learned of the afterlives, it was a wonder that any souls were capable of responding to calls from their still-living kin at all.
The soul of the Uktulut Chieftain’s ottuk companion rose into the air.
Kamalia thought she could almost see the Kyrian Bearer carrying it away.
She wondered if there was a realm of the afterlife especially for beloved animal companions of humanoids.
She wondered if there were any places in the Shadowlands where those who had been family or friends in their mortal lives could actually reunite, or if meeting loved ones again in the afterlife was merely a fable that mortals from every world invented to help themselves cope with the loss of death.
If it wasn’t for the presence of tangible items originating from the realms of the Shadowlands in her own wardrobe and those of her close friends, Kamalia could almost make herself imagine that her experiences in the Shadowlands had been a series of vivid, lucid, horrible dreams.
I’ve been thinking about writing this up ever since I first quested through the Broken Isles with Kamalia a year ago.
I’m grateful and pleased that the writers are writing the Dragon Isles inhabitants’ beliefs about the afterlife as ignorant of what we learned of WoW cosmology afterlives in Shadowlands.
In a way, this story is my expression of “why I think Shadowlands was the worst WoW expansion ever and I want to excise it out of the story like an exon being removed from the mRNA transcript of a gene before it gets translated into a protein”. Yes, worse than Warlords of Draenor (which I also sometimes want to excise), or Battle for Azeroth (which I liked rather more than I expected, as long as I didn’t think too much about the War Campaign storyline), or Cataclysm (because evidently I don’t miss the pre-Shattering world enough to play WoW Classic Era).

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I am still salty that the Dreambound armor from Patch 10.1.7 is not a green, silver, and violet recolor of that armor style, but rather the same red, gold, and white as the Suffused armor.

Looking at the previews for the Patch 10.2 Emerald Dream zone, I keep thinking, but where are the Grove Wardens?
The flavor text for this Legion-preview mount, introduced all the way back in Warlords of Draenor‘s Hellfire Citadel raid, reads: “These magical companions are the wardens of peaceful, primordial groves within the Emerald Dream.”

Yet here we are going into the Emerald Dream, and they don’t seem to be there.
Sloppy, forgetful devs.
Don’t try to handwave this by saying “oh, they are just in another part of the Emerald Dream that we aren’t visiting right now.”
We’ve been waiting to see them in their native habitat ever since Warlords. If there can be musken like we first saw in Pandaria and hairless versions of the hairy rhinos and mammoths we first saw in Northrend in the Ohn’ahran Plains, there can and should be Grove Wardens here, in this part of the Emerald Dream.

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My oldest has been doing well in kindergarten. He’s gotten good at figuring out a word by putting together the letter sounds, and he knows most of the “high frequency” words in the caterpillar that’s been growing on our living room wall. He can read words in simple stories.
He is by no means literate enough yet to read quest text*…
He discovered Transmogrification, but his lowbie toons didn’t have any money. I told him he needed to do quests to get money. I taught him the elementary skills of questing: talk to the person who is sparkling**, pick up things on the ground that are sparkling, loot your kills, the silver arrowhead on the minimap is you and the yellow arrow is pointing where you need to go and when you get to the right place the arrow turns into a yellow dot. I’ve given him occasional help with specific quests that have trickier requirements (such as the one to /wave at the ogre chef in Exile’s Reach).
I’ve been amazed by what he’s managed to figure out how to do on his own.
He can get all the way through Exile’s Reach, the Demon Hunter starting zone, the Dracthyr starting zone, the Warlords of Draenor Dark Portal to Garrison introductory scenario, the Legion Broken Shore introductory scenario, the Battle for Azeroth rescue of Talanji from Stormwind introductory scenario, and the Shadowlands escape from the Maw introductory scenario.
Without reading***.
I’ve shown him how to take the skips for the expansion introduction scenarios, but he likes to play through them. He plays through them over and over, deleting a character he already has# to roll up yet another new Zandalari Troll or Nightborne to do it again. He peppers me with questions about the characters and the storylines (I am so tired of answering questions about Sylvanas…) and I tell him, “kid, you know that better than I do by now.”


*Or, thankfully, city chat channels. I ought to teach him to leave city chat channels whenever he comes into a capital city for the first time with a new alt now, so that he’s already in the habit of automatically getting out of them by the time he’s literate enough to know what they’re saying….
**I don’t use Outline mode because I’m too lazy to turn it off and then back on again when I want to take Sunday Mog Show screenshots. I still have to contend with sparkles in my screenshots, but I think they’re less distracting.
***He doesn’t go out and do any regular zone questing, though, so perhaps it might be better to say that one doesn’t need reading to do an on-rails scenario questing experience.
#My account only has about 8 slots that aren’t filled with my own toons, so I had to teach him how to type “delete” soon after he started wanting to make his own characters instead of just playing with my Night Elf Druid and the Orc Hunter I’d created for him when I first began allowing him to play WoW.

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Officially, Shadowlands began in Year 35 from the Opening of the Dark Portal, and Dragonflight begins in Year 40; with World of Warcraft having begun in Year 25, there are 15 years between the beginning of Classic and the beginning of Dragonflight. What does this mean for my characters?

Way back in 2018, Gnomecore asked, “How Old Are Your Toons?” At the time, I began a rundown of the ages of my characters that then sat in draft for a few years until I eventually deleted it. Now seems like a good time to revisit that storybuilding prompt.

Although I have previously headcanoned the first several expansions of WoW as being two years in duration, the Official Timeline has one year for most of them. I’ll use the Official Timeline for these age calculations.

A couple more assumptions, which may or may not be Canon: Tauren become adults in their culture at age 16 and generally live to 90-110. Eversong Elves become adults in their culture at age 100 and generally live 300-500 years, though rare individuals may live for 1000 – 3000 years.


The ages of my major Tauren characters can be determined from my Tauren Paladin and Priest, the twins Karaelia (Paladin) and Kaohana (Priest), who came of age at the beginning of Cataclysm. Thus, they are 16 years old in Year 28 and were born in Year 12. The twins were a surprise late pregnancy for their mother. Keija (Warrior) was 10, Ketura (Hunter) was 13, Kerisa (Druid) was 15, and Kamalia (Shaman) was 18 at the time.
In Year 25 when World of Warcraft begins, they were: Kamalia 31, Kerisa 28, Ketura 26, Keija 23, Karaelia & Kaohana 13.
Kerisa married in Year 28 at the end of Wrath of the Lich King and her daughter Kessina was born about a year later during Cataclysm; either late Year 29 or early Year 30. Her son was born during Legion, probably Year 33.
Keija didn’t begin actively adventuring herself until after the twins came of age. She married at age 25 (Year 27), but she and her husband chose to remain childless until around the end of Legion (Year 33); they had a son in late Year 34.
Kamalia finally got married in Year 33 at the age of 39*. She may or may not have succeeded in having a child by the time Dragonflight begins in Year 40, at which time she will be 46.
When Dragonflight begins, Kerisa will be 43, Ketura 41, Keija 38, and Karaelia & Kaohana 28.
My Tauren Death Knight, Kregga, came of age approximately during the events of Warcraft III, which puts her at about 18 or 19 in Year 25 and 33 or 34 at the beginning of Dragonflight.
Kaumaleia, the Underpowered Death Knight, was about 25 in Year 27 at the beginning of Wrath of the Lich King, so she is 38 at the beginning of Dragonflight.
My Tauren Monk, Katewatha, was a young adult, perhaps 21 or 22, when the Pandaren came in Year 30; she will be 31 or 32 at the beginning of Dragonflight.
Kasheena, my Highmountain Tauren Druid, was a young adult of 19 or 20 when the Highmountain Tauren joined the Horde at the end of Legion (Year 33), so she will be 26 or 27 at the beginning of Dragonflight.
Kaurinka, the identity of my Tauren Druid during Shadowlands, is in her mid-30s.
My Tauren Rogue will borrow the name Kazithra from Kregga’s mother, and she will be young, reckless, and insolent; perhaps only 17 or 18 at the end of Shadowlands and 20 or 21 at the beginning of Dragonflight.
My Tauren Mage, whose name I haven’t quite decided upon yet, wants to be middle-aged, I think, even older than Kamalia, maybe in her 50s or 60s at the beginning of Dragonflight.

Update: When I actually created my new Tauren Mage and Rogue, this is what happened…
My Tauren Rogue, Kaiuna, has appeared previously as a Feral Druid who always enjoyed dressing up Rogueishly. Now that Tauren can become Rogues for real, she cheerfully switched classes. She is about the same age as Karaelia and Kaohana, with whom she was a childhood friend.
My Tauren Mage, Kazithra, is Kregga’s niece; she was named for her grandmother. Kregga is one of the younger children in her family and Kazithra is her eldest sibling’s eldest child. Kazithra has just come of age; she is 16 at the beginning of Dragonflight.
Another Update:
My Tauren Warlock, Keshara, is young, reckless, and deeply dissatisfied with the options that had previously been available to her; she is probably in her mid-to-upper twenties.


I’ve always thought of Kaelinda as a young adult, approximately equivalent in societal function to a 21 – 25 year-old Human. In a story I wrote about a decade ago, she is raised from journeyman to Magistrix shortly before she goes to Outland — but the story is about her crafting a Sparkle Pony, which the story describes as being a construct pattern found in Ulduar — which places the story in mid-to-late Wrath of the Lich King or about Year 28. In a story I currently have in Draft, she is an apprentice at an Eversong Woods academy of magic at the time of Arthas’s rampage in Warcraft III, or about Year 24. So she would have been about 105 in Year 25 at the beginning of World of Warcraft and is about 120 at the beginning of Dragonflight.

Kaelinda’s best female friend, Kaelyla, is a few years older, perhaps 110 at the beginning of World of Warcraft and 125 at the beginning of Dragonflight.
Kaelinda’s best male friend, Ianestin, is also in the 120 – 130 age range as of the beginning of Dragonflight.

Of the various Mage Alter-Ego characters, Kaelydia is around 175, and I don’t know any of the others — Khrysanthemina, Kaelyra, Kateleina — well enough yet to estimate their ages.

Kalaneia and Keliora are both significantly older than Kaelinda, having had their own young adult children at the the time of the destruction of Eversong Woods. Thus, they are somewhere in their mid-to-late 200s.


* Coincidentally, this makes Kamalia about the same age as me — I am 42 this year.

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It’s almost the end of June, Dragonflight is not yet in open beta, and Blizzard is already announcing that it will launch by the end of the year?

With that announcement, the pre-orders are open, of course.
So far, I’ve gotten the second-tier version of three expansions: Warlords of Draenor for the Dread Raven (fancier Anzu) mount, Battle for Azeroth for the Gilded Ravasaur mount, and Shadowlands for the Eternal Traveler Transmogrification set. I’ve been quite happy with those purchases.
The only thing I really want out of the second-tier version for Dragonflight is the bundled level 60 Boost, to use for my Tauren Mage — though let’s be honest: I’m probably going to make that character, Boost her, and then just faff around with Mogging her while continuing to actively play my Blood Elf and Void Elf Mages as co-mains.
The Mog stuff is in the third-tier version. The Diadem of the Spellkeeper headpiece just isn’t my style. I rather like the Dragon Wings backpiece Mog, especially since it comes in all five Classic dragonflight colours by default. I’m already imagining a revisit of the “Dragon Princess” series I did with my Blood Elf Priest using those wings.
If I got the third-tier version of Dragonflight, I’d essentially be paying $20 for the level 60 Boost and $20 for the Dragon Wings… I think that’s acceptable — I’ve been satisified with the $20 I spent for the Celestial Observer’s ensemble.
I don’t plan to make that purchase, however, until after I’ve 1) gotten my Fall classes ready to go, 2) done the Korthia Campaign, and 3) done the Zereth Mortis Campaign.

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I knew how Kaelydia had come to be golden-eyed — see the flavor text descriptions for Blood Elf Mage outfits 62 – 64 & 60 — but I didn’t know much else about her. I was wondering what her relationship status might be when she said, “Oh, I’m married. To a Draenei.”


We were both members of the Army of the Shattered Sun, and occasionally had assignments together. We became moderately well acquainted with each other, but not enough that I would necessarily have called us “friends”. After the restoration of the Sunwell, I stayed at Quel’Danas while he went to Icecrown with the Argent Crusade. Following the defeat of the Lich King, he returned to Quel’Danas. By that time, the number of long-term members of the Army of the Shattered Sun had gotten much smaller, and so we encountered and worked with each other much more frequently than before. Over the years, we gradually became friends, then better friends, until eventually we were quite close.

When Lady Liadrin went with Archmage Khadgar to the other Draenor, we both chose to go with her. We spent most of our time with Lady Liadrin’s forces at Auchindoun in Talador. Occasionally, he took me to see places in Shadowmoon Valley that corresponded to the places he had known on “our” Draenor, to show me what they had been like before our Draenor became Outland.

On one such outing, I dared to ask a question that had been consuming me with curiosity for some time. I’d observed that Draenei wore different colors of gems in their tail rings, which sometimes changed. More to the point, I wondered what the green gems that he’d begun wearing in his tail rings some time ago signified.

“Ah,” he answered, rather shyly and awkwardly, “the colors are a signal between Draenei about our interest in romantic relationships. The green means that I am not currently seeking a relationship because I am already… seeing someone. And the pattern…” he became even more shy and awkward, “means that there is some… complexity.”

I was surprised. We had known each other well enough for long enough that we had shared a great deal of our pasts with each other. I knew about the wives and children he had lost to the Burning Legion, most recently when the Orcs went on their rampage on Outland. He knew about my two failed marriages.

My first marriage hadn’t quite been Arranged, but it had certainly been Set Up. As a young woman, I had been deeply immersed in my studies and had no marital prospects to speak of. I wasn’t bothered by this; my older brother had married well and would handle the family futures quite competently. The young man was a younger son of his family; when began courting me, I knew at once that it was because my parents and his sought a financial alliance. We got along amiably enough, so I agreed to the match. After three successive pregnancies ended in early miscarriages, however, he sued to be released from the marriage. Because it had been a political marriage, the legal jousting required to disentangle the conjoined business affairs without completely ruining either family took so long that my husband had fathered two children with another woman by the time everything was resolved. Once our divorce was final, he married her as promptly as he could.

(To their credit, my parents learned from this debacle and did not attempt to manipulate the marital prospects of my younger brother, Ianestin. Although I do not know her well, I approve of the young woman who has captured his attention — though neither he nor she seems willing yet to admit to the depth of their mutual affection and desire.)

After the destruction of the Sunwell, I followed Prince Kael’thas to Outland. During that journey, I fell madly in love with a certain man in the group.

He was as infatuated with me as I was with him, and infatuation rapidly progressed to a marriage proposal. Our wedding was a great celebration for the whole group; Prince Kael’thas himself showered it with praise as a sign of the new hope the Sin’dorei had before us in Outland. When we were together, fireworks flew.

But the whole thing was a mistake. For all the things we found fascinating about each other, there were as many or more that we disagreed upon, especially as Prince Kael’thas’s choices became more and more extreme. My second husband was staunchly loyal to Prince Kael’thas, whereas I began to be persuaded by Seer Voren’thal. When Seer Voren’thal began to talk, quietly, of defecting to Shattrath City, I divorced my second husband.

After that, I had been embittered and not at all interested in anything other than friendship for a very, very long time.

But my dear Draenei friend had said nothing of any recent romantic attachments.

“Are you willing to tell me about it?” I asked.

He twisted his fingers together. “I am not interested in a relationship with another Draenei,” he said slowly, “because I am too much in love with you.”

“Well, then,” I said, “let me uncomplicate things for you.” And I reached up and kissed him.

When we returned to the Sunsworn camp in Talador, we went straight to Lady Liadrin and asked her to marry us. She gave us a Look that said I was wondering how long it would take you two to figure that out and then asked simply, “Which rite?”

We’d discussed this thoroughly on the journey back to the camp, and we answered, “Both of them.”

That evening, when the appropriate ceremonial preparations had been made and the required number of witnesses had been gathered from among our friends, we were wed: first with Soulbinder Tuulani conducting the Draenei ceremony, then with Lady Liadrin conducting the Sin’dorei ceremony.

This time, the celebrations and feelings of hope were genuine.

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Cloth outfits I have made organized by style of a key item. Most of these are chestpiece collections, a few are shoulders, and a sprinkling of other items such as pants or hats. Collections are grouped by expansion in which the style was introduced, not by original date of the post.

Multiple Expansions


Burning Crusade

Wrath of the Lich King


Mists of Pandaria

Warlords of Draenor


Battle for Azeroth


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Some expansions have ’em, some expansions don’t, and I’ve only collected the ones that I like.
I acquired almost all of these items during Legion, when the PvP-focused World Quests awarded account-bound Marks of Honor that could be used to purchase past-season PvP gear — and certain Order Halls had an upgrade that allowed one WQ per day to be instantly completed.
Some of the pieces I’ve acquired, I’ve Mogged with; others, I haven’t yet.
Mage PvP gear that IS a recolor of a Raid set will be posted with the corresponding Raid set, naturally.



Knight-Captain’s Silk Tunic, Field Marshal’s Silk Vestments
Kinevra bought these robes with Honor gained by doing Wintergrasp while she was leveling; as she does not have the requisite Classic-era PvP Title, she cannot truly Mog with these robes, but must equip them.

Knight-Captain of the 7th Legion

Mountainsage Hood, Mantle of the Champion, Knight-Captain’s Silk Tunic, 7th Legionnaire’s Cord, Warmongering Gladiator’s Gloves of Prowess, Sandswept Sandals, 7th Legionnaire’s Stave

Tirisgarde Field Marshal

Ceremonial Crown of Karabor, Vestia’s Pauldrons of Inner Grace, Field Marshal’s Silk Vestments, Light-Woven Slippers, Aluneth


Wrath of the Lich King

Hateful Gladiator’s Silk Amice, Savage Gladiator’s Silk Amice
Deadly Gladiator’s Silk Amice, Furious Gladiator’s Silk Amice, Relentless Gladiator’s Silk Amice, Wrathful Gladiator’s Silk Amice (with matching robes obtained from the same sources)

Moonfall Pilgrimage

Lost Crown of the Arcane, Hateful Gladiator’s Silk Amice, Hateful Gladiator’s Silk Raiment, Abandoned Zandalari Firecord (LFR), Treads of the Survivor, Aluneth (Balance of Power, first tint)
The final stage of the Balance of Power questline takes place at the Lunar Crucible in the Moon Guard stronghold.
Syrana Starweaver of the Moon Guard is wearing the Pauldrons of Revered Mortality and the Flowing Vestments of Ascent, from the Alliance version of Trial of the Crusader, modified with the sleeves from the Alliance version of the Vindictive Combatant’s Silk Tunic. Taking a cue from the shoulders worn by the Moonfall Defenders, which are from the Priest version of the Wrath PvP Hateful Gladiator’s set, I did my best to imitate her within the limitation of being Horde.

Weald Wanderer

Shadowbrim Travel Hat, Hateful Gladiator’s Silk Amice, Blue Overalls, Willow Belt, Elder’s Gloves & Boots, Green Workman’s Shirt, Faewoven Pack, Meadow Guardian’s Staff

Zen Trial Style: Pink

Deadly Gladiator’s Silk Amice, Dusklight Drape, Silkwood Robe, Silkwood Cord, Initiate’s Necromantle Slippers, Rain Poppy Staff

Miss Muriel II

Hat of the Third Sister, Deadly Gladiator’s Silk Amice, Fire-Gizzard Robes, Stitched Cord, Soulbreaker’s Court Slippers, Abracadaver

Wrathful Moonpriest

Ceremonial Crown of Karabor, Wrathful Gladiator’s Silk Amice, Imbued Netherweave Tunic, Felcast Cord, Moonpriest’s Legwraps, Sunfrost Handwraps, Inferno Breath Sandals, Moonpriest’s Cloak, Steel Bladebreaker, Urn of Lost Memories

Effervescent Night

Crown of Everlasting Fortune, Wrathful Gladiator’s Silk Amice, Robe of Effervescent Light, Belt of Arcane Storms (N), Tempest’s Touch, Slippers of the Twilight Prophet, Night Courtier’s Bulb, Viridium Staff of Alacrity



Cataclysmic Gladiator’s Silk Armor

Alodi’s Heir

Cataclysmic Gladiator’s Silk Armor with Brutal Gladiator’s Silk Cowl, Black Swashbuckler’s Shirt, and Ebonchill (upgraded, first tint)
When I finally figured out that this set is what Alodi and Archmage Karlain (in the Elite recolor) are wearing, then I had to get it. It needed a less complicated hat, though.


Crown of Eternal Winter, Frostwind Mantle, Cataclysmic Gladiator’s Silk Robe, Deckhand’s Rope Belt (N), Primal Combatant’s Gloves of Prowess, Hu’rala’s Slippers, Wild Combatant’s Energy Staff


Mists of Pandaria

Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s Silk Amice, Crafted Malevolent Gladiator’s Silk Amice

Akolik’s Ardor

Helm of Arcane Purity, Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s Silk Amice, Akolik’s Acid-Soaked Robes (LFR), Kurkenstoks, Fandral’s Flamescythe (H)


Warlords of Draenor

Horde Primal Combatant, Alliance Primal Combatant

Horde Primal Gladiator’s Silk Amice, Alliance Primal Gladiator’s Silk Amice

Scarlet Sunreaver Battlemage

Primal Combatant’s Amice Cord & Gloves of Prowess, Cindercloth Vest, Felheart Pants, Sorcerer Slippers, Scarlet Filigreed Doublet, Staff of the Forest Lord, Sunreaver Tabard

Dreamscale Inlay

Demonic Gladiator’s Satin Hood, Primal Combatant’s Amice of Prowess, Dreamscale Inlaid Vestments (LFR), Girdle of Prophecy, Warmongering Gladiator’s Satin Gloves, Warm Red Woolen Socks, Rubellite Staff of Intuition

Dreamscale II

Starfire Tiara*, Primal Combatant’s Amice of Prowess, Dreamscale Inlaid Vestments, Primal Combatant’s Cord of Prowess, Exiled Dabbler’s Gloves, Infernoweave Boots, Rubellite Staff of Intuition

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This is the Classic Dungeon set for Warlocks, originally obtained and upgraded through a lengthy, arduous questchain, but now readily (though grindily) obtained from the Darkmoon Faire. The higher-resolution Warlock class set obtained from the Warlords of Draenor Garrison Salvage Yard is inspired by the Classic set.

Replica Dreadmist Raiment, Replica Deathmist Raiment, Felsoul Regalia


Dreadmist Raiment

Dreadmist Raiment

Replica Dreadmist Raiment

Astralaan Arcanist

Junior Technician 3rd Grade Goggles, Tattered Dreadmist Mantle, Astralaan Robe, Arcanist Belt, Widow’s Clutches, Ruby Slippers , Cloak of Azure Lights, Formal White Shirt, Staff of Twin Worlds


Deathmist Raiment

Cold is the Void

Replica Deathmist Mantle Robe & Bracers with Replica Virtuous Belt, Royal Gloves, Conspirator’s Slippers, and Frostscythe of Lord Ahune


Felsoul Regalia

Felsoul Regalia

Felsoul Regalia

Harvester of Demons

Horns of the Left Hand Path, Felsoul Shoulderpads, Vicious Gladiator’s Felweave Raiment, Felsoul Cord, Ruthless Gladiator’s Felweave Handguards, Spirit Tender’s Slippers, Black Swashbuckler’s Shirt, Ulthalesh (upgraded, tint 2)

Undying Exemplar

Horns of the Left Hand Path, Felsoul Shoulderpads, Green Woolen Vest (or any sleeveless tunic), Ruthless Gladiator’s Cord of Accuracy, Shrouded Cloth Pants, Ruthless Gladiator’s Felweave Handguards, Eelskin Flippers (LFR), Dune Shroud, Master Builder’s Shirt, Colors of the Undying Army, Boneclutched Stave

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Thanks to easy PvE ways to gain Marks of Honor during Legion, I was able to obtain the PvP versions of the Attire of Piety, the Warlords of Draenor Hellfire Citadel tier set.

Wild Gladiator’s Satin Armor, Warmongering Gladiator’s Satin Armor
The shoulders are available in a version that can be used by any of the cloth-wearing classes, so I have used them quite a bit.
I am also very fond of the little bell on the waistband, though since it is not a complete belt, it is somewhat challenging to use. Because I consider the belt to be another signature item from this set, I’ve also included outfits featuring the belt in this collection.


Golden Wings of Piety

Dreamscale Ascendant

Wild Gladiator’s Mantle of Cruelty, Dreamscale Inlaid Vestments, Wild Gladiator’s Cord of Victory, T’uure (Hidden, first tint)

Dazar’Alor Special Investigator

Zanchuli Crest, Wild Gladiator’s Mantle of Cruelty, Goldweave Tunic, Serenity Belt, Astralaan Pants, Wild Gladiator’s Gloves of Prowess + Loa Speaker’s Cuffs, Gnomish Casting Boots, Ragged Azsharan Sail Fragment, Wild Combatant’s Battle Staff, Formal White Shirt, Talanji’s Expedition Tabard

Gaudy Angel

Nightvale Cowl, Warmongering Gladiator’s Mantle of Cruelty, Gaudy Winter Veil Sweater, Sutarn’s Ring, Replica Virtuous Skirt, Warmongering Gladiator’s Gloves of Prowess, Ringo’s Blizzard Boots, Staff of Immaculate Recovery

Arcane Inquisitor

Arcane Singed Mantle, Manawracker Vestments, Warmongering Gladiator’s Cord of Victory, Zaetar’s Gloves, Seawitch Sandals, Telmor Soulpriest Staff


Silver Wings of Piety

Heavenly & Venerable

Warmongering Gladiator’s Mantle of Cruelty, Anacondra’s Robe, Nethershard Girdle, Regal Gloves, Permafrost Cape, August Celestials Tabard, Clear Crystal Rod*

Serendipitous Seraph

Warmongering Gladiator’s Mantle of Cruelty, Robes of the Guardian Saint, Astralaan Pants, Pyrotex Ignition Cloth + Cuffs of Unrelenting Anguish, Ringo’s Blizzard Boots

Troll Action Battle Princess

Bloodhex Hood, Warmongering Gladiator’s Mantle of Cruelty, High Councillor’s Tunic, Cord of Unhinged Malice, Soothsayer’s Kilt, Pyrotex Ignition Cloth + Loa Speaker’s Cuffs, Kurkenstoks, Cloak of Everburning Knowledge, Warmongering Combatant’s Battle Staff, Talanji’s Expedition Tabard
Here are a couple of variations:

Alanna’s Embrace (from Old Scholomance; no longer available)

Vestments of the Shifting Sands + Astralaan Pants

Winds of Neverest

Snowblind Helm, Rime-Rift Shoulders (LFR), Mantid Vizier’s Robes (LFR), Warmongering Gladiator’s Cord of Victory, Felcast Gloves, Buccaneer’s Boots, Staff of the Hallowed

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